Most beautifull turntables today....

Recommend some of the hottest looking turntables today..
Brian, I'm sorry, but putting a condom on that gorgeous work of art and engineering you have would be sacrilege. Kinda like seeing the Pope in a speedo! How goes it in Chicagoland? If you guys put together that Chicago audio fest you have been discussing on AA, let me know a few weeks in advance as I'd like to come if it actually happens.

Albert, I wish I shared your admiration for the aesthetics of my table. Try as I might, it still has a face only a mother can love. Do you still have your Dalis? I need to pick yer brain again as I am thinking of going back to a second power supply on my Io and have a few questions.

Paul, welcome to the Lamm club. As I told you ealier this week, I KNEW you'd like your new amps. I bet your Merlins have never sang like they do now with world class tube amplification. Congrats buddy, yer system is top notch!! Now when do I get to hear it? Oh yeah, we should wait until the Schroeder arrives.
Brian, I can pimp your Sound Labs by adding neon running lights around them, and you can also attach LCD displays and cameras to them so you can let the "haters" know what you look like enjoying your music and looking at yourself looking at the speakers looking at yourself... Let Lavigne and other Rockport owners know that their turntables would look tight and hype with big chrome spinners on them.

Seriously, I am surprised that no one mentioned the Simon Yorke turntables in this thread. Beautiful, sleek, and form following function. Almost as pretty as the extinct B&O tangent tracking turntables.

Just spotted a Clearaudio Master Ref in the new movie "Stealth" (along with TAG McLaren F1 speakers). Still don't think all that clear acrylic looks good. And the movie sucked dead bears.
Albert, I wish I shared your admiration for the aesthetics of my table. Try as I might, it still has a face only a mother can love. Do you still have your Dalis? I need to pick yer brain again as I am thinking of going back to a second power supply on my Io and have a few questions.

Frank, my view of the SME is, "Pretty is as pretty does", like my mom used to say :-).

I would be pleased to speak with you about the Dalis and the Io. My phone number should be listed in Audiogon ads (Porter Ports), your welcome to call anytime.
The top 5 for me in any order would be:

1. Thorens Reference
2. Teres 360 Cocobolo finish
4. Simon Yorke
5. Eurolab Premier w/ 80mm Platter

Mine is the VPI Super Scoutmaster. She might only win a runner up spot in this beauty contest--but I would her a very high score in the talent contest---She's the one I married.