My Snubway and Main Stream Master Class Combo Review

I must admit I am a sucker for tweaks.

I have owned and tried so many. I have always admired those who think outside the “box”. Some of these items were great, some maybe? And then some were just a “swing and a miss”.

I have communicated with Mark through the years and have used several of his products. So, I ventured into the Vera-fi Audio filters that many of you have expressed that you have liked. That is specifically; the Snubway and the Main Stream filters. I’m not sure if that is the appropriate category but I think that is what they do.

When I first received them, I tried them on my Audio dedicated AC line. First listen, the music sounded louder and more in my face. I was concerned that perhaps they were too much for my already “clean” audio system.

I then moved them to my dedicated Video AC line. On this line, I have an AudioQuest 1200 conditioner, an 85” Samsung TV/LED, Oppo 205, Satellite Dish, Apple TV and a 7 channel Outlaw amp. And I also had a Puron filter. When I first viewed this Video system with the filter combo now in use, boy, was I impressed! I watched a few pre-season NFL live games and the image was fantastic! So clean, immersive, with deep contrast, and deep colors. I knew these units would be a permanent part of this system.

So today, again, I tried that combo on my Audio Dedicated line. On this line is my AudioQuest 7000, Lumin X1, and 2 Michi 8 power amps. But now this time I did not get the image overload, perhaps these take some time to burn/break in. I will let these units percolate for a few days before I pass additional comments. But… I did order another set of them.



I ordered my second set of Snubway, Mainstream and 2 Graphene Sluggos late August.  Still no update on shipping.  Victim of their own success and Labor Day Sale Discounts.  Chalk it up to growing pains getting their business set up in the US.  It would be nice of them to provide expected ship dates and  shipping updates.  Maybe once they catch their tail and get caught up.  Worth the wait!

I ordered Main Stream Master Class on Sept 2nd.based upon Ozzy’s favorable review.


But I had not got it yet.


I contacted Mark on Sept 6th, then he gave me tracking no of USPS.


But USPS site showed "pre shipment" for two weeks.


I contacted him again yesterday, but no reply.


What is going on?



Thanks, tommyu for your post. These products are probably the best bang for the buck there is.


Received my Main Stream yesterday.. Kinda funny story here I didn't think it was going to show up till Monday since tracking showed in transit from UPS to USPS yesterday.
Trying to make a long story short ;-) I sold my Puron earlier in the week listening to my system Friday night you could notice the difference with out it... just a SnubWay in the line still sounded good but kinda flat and missing that little bit of emotion it had brought to my rig.
So my friend here in town had a second Puron not in use, he offered it for me to use, so drove across town only 20 minutes away so I could have an enjoyable listening session.
Joking as I left his house, said now the Main Stream will show up and sure enough on the porch sitting for me it was delivered (Big Smile) so  for fun still plugged the Puron in for warm up  the amp and listened to a disc very familiar with then plugged  the Main Stream, cold from the get go pretty much Bettered  the Puron in Every aspect like a Puron on Steroids, listened for 4+ hours I am truly impressed.!!
I don't need to bore you with all the Audiophile verbiage you know what this thing does in combination with the SnubWay it is a world class product. enough said.
Those were my findings from about 2 weeks ago, I feel the Main Stream refined a bit more after about 72 hours and is really making music Very enjoyable and Engaging! my system has a wonderful and natural Flow now..
Thanks Mark, great job on this one, you and your "Team" Knocked this one out of the Park...

I now have 3 sets of the Snubway/Main Stream. One set per dedicated line.Very nice, quality improvement.

Anyone else feed the beast?


Yeah, I don’t know. That’d why I said confused. Wasn’t the typical phases of cable and electronics burn-in that I’m so familiar with. At first with the Snubway, I was just thinking "Ummm, no". I even texted a friend that I would probably return it for another Main Stream unit. But then the wiser, more patient part of myself realized that I hadn’t given it any time to settle or whatever. Happy I gave it a chance. And they were both sounding pretty good after 4 days, but 5 or 6 days seems to be revealing the sweet spot with whatever had been occurring.

I also a have a handful of strategically placed Purons in my system, but I have modified them all to my satisfaction, so I decided to leave that info aside for the report. Altogether, the whole system is so complex, that I can only merely share my observations. I don’t have an explanation for the warm-up period...


Your experience sorta mirrors my first reaction as in my original review. I think... they take time to breakin or maybe the word is adjust?


I’ll do a report: I bought the Main Stream + Snubway combo from Mark and have had it in the system for 6 days now. I liked MS right away when plugged into the first outlet of my main power conditioner, but SW was a degradation of quality during the first day. Sounded harsh and less nuanced. So, I plugged the SW in an outlet in another room and left it there for three days. I’ve now had both the MS and SW plugged into the first outlet of my main conditioner using a splitter/adapter for another three days and the system is singing with higher resolution. Sounds awesome, no more issues with the Snubway unit, no additional tweaking was necessary for me to have the freq response that I want. I don’t even want to try positioning them somewhere else in the power chain. That initial issue with the Snubway degrading my sound was, and still is, confusing to me, but it’s totally absent now. 🙏

Another Update:

I have 3 dedicated lines.

1. I line for my Audio System with Snubway/Main Stream filter

2. 1 line for my (4) JL Audio F-113 Subwoofers. Set to 45hz.

3. 1 line for my Home Theater Video system with Snubway/Main Stream filter.

I just tried the Snubway/Main Stream Filter set from my Video system on the Sub line, and they are not going anywhere. It seems when the bass is right everything else just locks in. Center image really locked in, hard to believe that the bass with these filters could affect the image specificality. And, with really deep tuneful bass.

So, I ordered one more set to re-insert into my Video system. Each dedicated line will then have a Snubway/Main Stream filters.


Appreciating this nice thread 

@facten - I hope you will try our two units. When you feel the opportunity, please get in touch with me...

@ tweak1

Thanks very much - In fact we have already had 3 companies approach for a "built in module" - would be delighted. As the Mains gets only worse and worse - I think this is natural 


Excited to hear more... thanks for digging in and watching and listening. Both products are designed to WORK TOGETHER... more and more people are figuring this out. 

The best part of these is actually what @miracle1980 iracle summed - these will not change what you love and admire in your system. They will work with and not against what's groovin' in your rig. I'm especially proud of this point 
@ozzy - enjoy 

@miracle1980 - trying to figure out who you are. These days, because both products are sold easily to 220/240 v 50 and 60Hz (Australia in parts) we are shipping roughly 50% of our Production off shore. This weekend in Singapore over 30 units were sold I'm told. Happy Dance (and I love chili crabs) 

Your comments were sincerely appreciated 


Continued thanks - enjoy

@jmfinney  jmfinney - I saw your box go out in picture form - enjoy! 

@gladmo - looking forward to your comments 

Best to you all... 


I had a single Snubway about a week and was immediately and remain 100% blown away. I don’t often read unobtanium reviews but was drawn to Jason Serinus’ review of the $150,000 Dan D’Agostino 3 chassis preamp. Most notably his comments which described what I was hearing pre/post Snubway, and I thought, this $150,000 preamp must have a similar circuit built in and could/would a built in Snubway be the missing link in all hi-end kit without the huge price they would charge for it. Licensing? Hmmmmm

So, after a few more days, the combo has really settled down and is in the zone. Music earlier that once sounded perhaps a little sharp now sounds more relaxed but still detailed, that is; in a good way.

I still believe my Audio system may have taken a little longer to mesh due to all of the other components I have that deal with AC noise.


I did have at one time 10 Puron’s on my audio line and a few more on my Video and Subwoofer circuits. Eventually, I came to the realization that it was too much. I sold/gave away most of the Puron’s but kept a couple to compare to the new Snubway/Main Stream combo.

There is really no comparison. All the good things that the Puron provided was many times better. I now only have one Puron left that resides in my computer/Modem/ EthereRegen, clock etc. room.

It is amazing how cleaning up the AC opens up the music. Perhaps that is why some audio equipment is so expensive?


I recently purchased the Snubway and Mainstream combo from Vera-Fi Audio and wanted to share my honest impressions. I'm from Europe, absolutely zero affiliation here...actually some weeks ago I was even asking feedback about Vera-Fi company.
While my system is already considered high-end, I was curious to see what these devices could bring to the table.

First, I want to commend Mark at Vera-Fi for his excellent support throughout the purchasing process. The transaction was smooth and efficient. Once I received the devices, I plugged them into my Ansuz C3 power distributor and began listening the next day.

I was immediately impressed by the positive changes in the sound. These devices have a more significant impact than simply swapping cables (anywhere in the chain). They seamlessly integrate with your system's existing sound signature, revealing additional details, deepening the bass, and widening the soundstage.

The music feels more impactful and engaging, with reduced harshness and smoother flow. I believe these plugs are ideal for fine-tuning your system and elevating its performance. The price-to-quality ratio is exceptional, probably impossible to beat AFAIK.

I'm highly satisfied with this discovery and am eager to see what Vera-Fi Audio has in store for the future. Thank you to everyone for their comments and to @verafiaudio  for his outstanding support.

@facten I asked Mark about this and he said that with the switched outlet Zerosurge, the Snubway should be placed in an "always on" outlet.

@ozzy  -  Based upon your above posts I am assuming that you haven't done this but if you have the opportunity to compare the Puron to the Main Stream I'd be interested in your assessment. txs


@rlb61 Where did  you place the Snubway in your Zerosurge? Txs

I recently purchased two Snubways. One is used on the Zerosurge into which my main components are plugged in. The other is used on the Zerosurge into which my subwoofer is plugged in. The Snubways provided immediate improvements in sound. In particular, the noise floor has been lowered substantially, the sound is sharper and more defined, bass is more articulate, and 3D imaging is wider and deeper. I’m not a big tweak guy, but the Snubway works very, very well and is reasonably priced compared to high-end power conditioners. I don’t have outlet space for the Main Stream, but I expect that it works as well as the Snubway. From my personal listening experience, and having spent real money on the Snubway, I can say that you likely won’t be disappointed, particularly with a 30-day, no questions asked money-back guarantee. I have no affiliation with the manufacturer ... I’m just a very satisfied customer.


Thank you for the kind comment. I have been on this site for many years, and I really try to be sincere with my comments. Member’s comments on equipment I find to be more valuable than reviews from “paid” Reviewers. I always wonder…

The Snubway by itself worked well with my Video setup. I was impressed, images were sharper. However, when I added the Main Stream everything got a lot better! Colors, contrasts etc. So, to me they complement each other. Actually, seeing the image improve was an easy test.

Now on my audio setup. I had enough original foresight to install a quad Furutech outlet box on this dedicated AC line. So, this gave me the ability to plug in my AQ 7000, Puritan Ground City and now both the Snubway and the Main Stream devices.

I have not tried the filters directly into my AQ power conditioner, perhaps I might yet. I am of the mindset that if you can clean it up at the wall the power conditioner can only improve upon that. I’m still getting use to the filter combo, some songs that I was familiar with have a different soundstage. That is; sometimes its deeper, other times it may be flat. Hmm.

And there seems to be a general cleaning of the image. Some songs sound a little sharper. No matter what though, these units need burn in/break in time.

So, we shall see if they improve more. I will be very interested to read what you think of the units when you get them.


Thanks Ozzy! I always enjoy your insight. I have a pair of Main Streams & pair of Snubways coming next week. Will you kindly go into more detail about where you have found each one to be most effective, for example, wall outlets and/or power conditioner/distributors?


It’s now been several days since inserting the Snubway/ Main Stream filters back into my audio system and I now feel comfortable in making a few comments on the performance.

The Challenge:

My Audio system has several unique add on’s that are not present in my Video System. First to mention is the AudioQuest Niagara 7000 (a big-time power conditioner). I also have a full complement of AudioQuest Dragon power cords. And I have an SR Master fuse and the new SR Pink fuses in my amps.

And, I have really doubled down on cleaning up ground noise. I have a Puritan Ground City for chassis ground and a Entreq Silver Tellus Grounding box for signal grounding. Plus, I have a couple of my own DIY grounding boxes for my speakers. These devices have really improved upon my listening enjoyment. So, the Snubber/Main Stream filters will have to improve upon all of this. Perhaps this a tuff challenge.

Well after revisiting them, I definitely feel the filters have improved quite a bit after some run in time. The audio “in-the face” (harshness?) as I stated previously was gone, whew! So, these filters do need some hours to develop. It’s funny though, the Video seemed to be immediately improved. But again, it could be because all of the extra components that I listed above that is in my audio system.

I must admit, I didn’t think the filters would come around to my expectations. I have tried many different plug-in type of gizmos that did little if anything.

Now I’m not sure of exactly how many hours of break-in has passed, perhaps maybe now 72+. And then suddenly, I started to hear a more defined and real center image. Hmm. Then, within the next few hours the sound stage started to widen. And finally, as I write this, the bass has become quite tuneful.

Happy camper…

So, if you have your audio system tweaked out and cleaned up as I do, don’t expect the “magic” with this combo to be instantaneous. Give them 3 or more days of burn/break in.

Now, I am really digging the sound quality. Recommended by this tweaker.


Cool man. I'm interested in your thoughts on these as you gain familiarity with them and any significant burn-in ensues.

If it does so much for the Video it must be cleaning up the AC, so I expect big things with my Audio Equipment too!



Grateful for your initial comments here. 

They will continue to get better and better through roughly 150 hours of "on time"

I have a friend with a High End Projector and he can't stop raving - the SMPS Noise is unimaginably high on his unit. Major upgrade for him 

Many thanks - Mark