Need help diagnosing a preamp problem

I have a Shindo  Monbrison preamp with a MM/MC phono section.  It is about 12 years old, maybe more. The phono section contains a 12AU7 and 12AT7 in both right and left channels.  No other tubes in the phono section.

Two days ago  the right channel stopped producing output when playing a record.  Other source inputs are working fine.

I replaced all 4 tubes with known working tubes of the same type and vintage.

Problem remains.

I have a standalone phono preamp available if that would help.


@atmasphere   I did this today.  When I started a record playing the right channel was completely out, then became intermittent.  I then 'wiggled' the right cable connector and the channel came back for the entire record.  I will turn everything off and come back later to see if all is still ok.

I recommend Chopin Etudes as an aid to diagnosing this kind of problem.

As well as a strong suggestion from Ralph.

Currently I am experiencing intermittent right channel in/out when cables are correctly connected.  I have reversed connections several times.

@clio When the channel is out, try wiggling the interconnect cables, on the offending channel, to see if the sound comes and goes. So far this sounds like an intermittent cable.

I've heard the Switchcraft jacks Shindo uses can be a bit flimsy it very likely is a bad RCA jack as suggested by @mulveling above.

The cart MM, no need for MC musings. To diagnose you should try the stand alone first after cables.

I recently had a channel suddenly go out on an EAR MC-4 SUT. It turns out the culprit was the left output RCA jack! Upon opening that jack up, tech found a lot of extra solder cruft that was causing it to intermittently short out. Rare, but it happens. Anyways, I isolated the issue to this one jack by wiggling various RCA connectors while playing music at low volume. 

Since you have MM and MC input jacks, I’d try both. See if you can isolate it a bit more to either the MC SUT or RCA input jacks. Putting an MC cart into MM inputs, or vice versa, isn’t great but should be adequate for a quick test.

Also while the unit is on, I’d look to see if all the phono stage tubes’ heaters are at least lit up (careful not to touch anything inside the box).

"Also, did you make any recent changes? Or disturb any cables/connections prior to the Right channel going out?"

Yes.  I was comparing the pre + amp combo vs integrated amp.  Switching cables a number of times.

Currently I am experiencing intermittent right channel in/out when cables are correctly connected.  I have reversed connections several times.



Switch the Right/Left of your phono cable to the preamp. If the problem moves to the left channel then the problem lies with the turntable. The tonearm cable might be damaged. Possibly a cartridge issue.

Also, did you make any recent changes? Or disturb any cables/connections prior to the Right channel going out?