Need recommendation for amplifier

One of my NuForce monoblock amplifiers seems to be irreparable.  I need to get a new amplifier.
 I’m looking in the one to two thousand dollar range, new or used.
Any recommendations for a decent amplifier in that price category?
consider a Conrad Johnson power amp to mate w/ the PV 11.
Happy Listening!

It’s a sad story.
The original NuForce Company is out of business.  I’ve been dealing with a former technician from the company and have poured a lot of cash into him for repairs already ( it’s a long story.) I just got both amps back from him last week.
He has warranted them for a year.  So  I’m sending the bad one back, but I have little hope of it not going bad again as he tells me there’s a design problem with the older amps.
So, I’m getting a new one.

    That is a sad story.  If you want a very good pair of class D monos in your price range I'd suggest D-Sonic M-600 monos that I own and love on my Magnepans or the Red Dragon M-500 or M-1000 monos that get great reviews.

Based on your recommendation, I just ordered the Red Dragon M-500 monos.
i understand they have a 45 day try-out policy.
They do get great reviews.