Need recommendations for 20' speaker cable

When I first moved in my place years ago, my speakers fired down the long wall in a rectangular room. The speakers were 5 ft out from the front wall and the rear wall was 12 ft behind my listening seat. My amplifier was between the speakers so the standard 10 ft run of cable was sufficient.

Currently the system is turned 90° and as shown in my Virtual System pics, the speakers fire down the short wall with my listening seat directly at the rear wall.

Out of curiosity, I purchased a 100 ft spool of generic speaker cable and moved my speakers to their old location. I knew this would happen but I immediately got more depth, more separation of instruments. More localization of musicians, etc.

I don't want to move my rack so if I keep it this way I'm going to need 20 ft of speaker cables. The fact that I now use monitors and the terminals are 2 ft off of the floor only worsens the situation regarding length.

So, long story long, I'm looking for recommendations on 20 ft speaker cables preferably under $1,000 new or used.

You could also try some DIY Duelund 12ga speaker cable from the parts connexion at $32 per meter per side.
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I am using perhaps 50 feet of Kimber 8TC for my rear channels in my home theater set up. Check out eBay sometime you can find a used spool.

I don’t think you will have a problem finding them. Go to the Used cables site. Used cables are a great deal. They generally sell at half price. So your budget would be $2k new... a good category to be in. Six or seven meter interconnects come up now and again.


A better solution is to leave your amp between your speakers and have your rack to the side, eliminating the central obstruction. Get long interconnects. XLR preferred but by no means required for that short of a run.