New Component Upgrade Success Rate

I like to try a new component once in a while when the upgrade bug hits.  Cables, tubes, power cords, power conditioners, headphones, maybe even something major like a preamp or a DAC.  I've noticed my successful adoption rate is pretty low and I usually end up returning the new component.  About one out of every four or five attempts is a success.  I'm batting about .200.   What is your successful adoption rate when you try something new?
My rate is 90% as i know what i am doing don't rush into upgrades without hearing them in my system first this is the key.Good luck with your next upgrade.
Getting the "bug" to upgrade can be expensive.  Knowing what you "need" and filling that need is a different matter.  A friend of mine once said, "the two most expensive things in life are vanity and impatience."  I agree totally.
As a follow up to my above post I installed 2 Mundorf supreme silver/oil caps in the phono stage of the Quicksilver. I don't want to over do it, but wow.  Nice to know you get what you pay for, this time anyway.   I've changed caps before with some success but these are an absolutely unqualified success and as it happened in this case are the most I've paid for caps.