It is true most off the shelf streamers use relatively less powerful processors for their lower inherent noise propagation, takes greater mitigation efforts to keep noise at a minimum with the higher power processors.
Roon dsp is pretty awful, HQPlayer plays at much higher level, still in process of determining a final analysis of it's ability to sound as natural as my particular Roon setup. Thus far does excel on resolving powers, but does sound a bit artificial to me at least with PCM over and up sampling. HIgh DSD sampling rates are reportedly the way to go, will try that in time.
I'm also in camp of desiring analog/top flight vinyl sound quality with my digital. Just spent a tidy pile of money in order to bring my vinyl SQ up to the digital.
In the end I think we can all agree many paths to wonderful streaming SQ. If I were to go to off the shelf, Taiko, Wadax, Aurender W20SE, perhaps Antipodes K series or Innuous Statement would be at top of my list. With two machine setup, dedicated server/streamer many more would make the list. I'd only suggest one spend to top level of their financial abilities in streamer purchases if the intention is to make streaming their preferred source.