No More Fake Reviews - So Who’s Gonna Tell Us What To Buy?

Very interesting and with a fairly profound impact on our audiophile community:

Some strong language in the ruling. How are some of our YouTubers going to be able to sustain their channels without gifted products?



The rules sound reasonable and could cause problems for reviewers who get free gear or music in return for a good review.  We'll just have to see how it plays out in the audiophile world.

Reviewers have been getting free gear and accommodation pricing forever.  I don't expect that to change at all.   

Very true ,,I spoke to a friend in Canada who personally had met  two of these reviewers and yes they  have received Free components and speakers .with much more expensive products up to 65% off with no shipping or taxes . Shocking but true . I assume this too pertains to TAS and Stereophile , as well as online magazines on Audiogon we get much more realistic  honest opinions of actual gear .fortunately for me I am semi retired and get to hear a lot of gear and go to many group comparisons  which is like going to a Audio show  but in a much more relaxed setting.