Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range?

Some years ago I downsized to headphones only. Now I have access to a dedicated room again, so getting my absorption panels and ASC Tube traps back from storage... :-) The amp is going to be Accuphase E-800. I like class A, and I owned fair share of Pass gear but Pass integrated (and lower preamps) no longer have tape loop. I also like my gear to look the way I enjoy and Pass went too industrial for me.

Anyway, long story short. Speakers. I prefer relaxed, non-fatiguing sound. My headphones are Meze Elites and I love them. I also own Focal Utopia, but rarely listen to them, too forward for me.

Now, music-wise I do not listen to jazz or classical or vocals, sorry. Classic rock, hard rock, 80s new wave, punk, pop (classic and modern) and African blues like Tinariwen. People tend to insta-suggest forward sounding speakers - you like metal, right???. But I don't like piercing sound and I rarely go to concerts exactly because of this. I listen to AC/DC but NOT at 'realistic' revels. I like rhythm, melody, but I don't care about 120 Db.

The budget is about $10K, give or take, most probably second hand, but I can buy new, if I really like it. Unfortunately, there are not that many high end shops around Seattle with gear I like. Some went selling vintage and some went up selling only $100K+ systems. So most probably will be getting something blind.

It seems I should be looking for ribbon tweeters, I spent hours at youtube - it is definitely not listening in person, but some recordings are pretty decent and many show differences between speaker models.

I also compare frequency response measurements - I can easily tell that I won't like the speaker by looking at the chart. Ex, bump around 2-6K is a no-no since this is what "bright" is. Dip is actually good since this is what makes sound less "in your face/ear".

So far I more-or-less narrowed my search down to Legacy (Signature or Focus), Dali 8, ProAc (D48 or K) and - maybe - Magico A3? Legacy is huge, I am not sure I really need 20Hz extension. Magico has beryllium tweeters which may be bright....

I purchased Tannoy D700 many years ago, still own them, they are part of my TV set up. They sound good, but not as good as I would like it. My desktop speakers are ribbons too - AirPulse, I like them quite a bit.

Anything else I am missing?


Based on the sound description of these, it may be what you are looking for


You can always take a nice ferry ride (or drive around) to Silverdale and see Jim & Aubry at Nuts About HiFi (big on Focal) or Kitsap Audio and see Derek or Victor (Victor is worth the trip alone). Olsen's has previously been mentioned (Marty's a gas). Fun place and always have some deals going on!

I can recommend 2 things for $10k that will be excellent.

An open box or demo Yamaha NS5000 speaker is great and unique in that it is a cone speaker with all 3 drivers made from the same material. That makes a big difference in the coherence of the speaker. No other cone speaker has that design. The cone material is called Zylon and is like Beryllium but not bright or toxic.

I used to own the Meze Emporium headphone. I then went to the RAAL SR1a and CA-1a. The new RAAL 1995 Immanis as incredible but expensive at $10k. However, these are competing against phones in the $50k+ level.


ProAc D40R fit your spec. I have similar musical tastes to you (OP) and can play my D40R at any sane level without fatigue. They're rich, bold, full-bodied, and....full range. You won't need subs with the D40Rs. At 89db sensitivity they play unconstrained with 65 tube watts. (I'm currently looking to move up the ProAc line, but I should probably just stick with what I have)

From what others have suggested, QLN make good speakers. Harbeths are nice, but I wouldn't go for them if my tastes were rock-centric. I think Legacy make great speakers, and are widely underrated by the aphile community. Though as you say, they're quite big and heavy.