@mikhailark , I have to apologize for getting your amps mixed up - somehow I was thinking low-powered Class A Pass Labs, when it’s actually low-powered (but not as low-powered) Class A Accuphase. Speakers with a voltage sensitivity at least in the lower 90’s still make sense to me given your room size, because imo clipping on the peaks would degrade the sound quality.
I owned a pair of Accuphase stereo amps years ago. They could be bridged to run as two very powerful mono amps, but they sounded better in stereo mode. So imo it is quite possible that, despite your amp’s extraordinary ability to maintain full rated power output into very low impedances, it will sound its best into an 8-ohm load.
I mentioned PiSpeakers, and you mentioned measurements. My favorite from their lineup is the 7Pi, which is an innovative corner horn type speaker that actually has excellent measured response. It would probably need subwoofers so that pushes the cost possibly beyond your price range, but if you appreciate innovative, outside-the-box thinking, you might take a look at it.
Just to be clear, I have zero commercial interest in Pi Speakers. I compete against them.