
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?

Showing 16 responses by mmakshak

I couldn't wait to read all the responses. I just want to say that I agree with Plato wholeheartedly. I listen only to analog(for those not in the know, that means 1981 or earlier albums). I have Nuforce 8.02b's with Cardas adaptors. Don't listen to the naysayers. Their Technics
amp(no offense) is the Nuforce's equal. Yeah, right! A Corolla will outhandle a Porsche.
Again, I can't wait to read all the responses. Does Nuforce have to take all this stuff for producing a state-of-the-art amp for $1600? Their mods cost less than nothing. Are you guys that negative?
I just want to show appreciation for Plato keeping us informed about Nuforce(i.e., what works with them, what updates do, etc.). Some of us don't have unlimited money.
I just want to say that I'm suprised(and appreciative-is that a word?) of Stehno's imputs.
Summitav, don't take offense on my questions here, please. I don't believe that the standard power cord supplied with the Nuforce is the normal throw-away. I believe Jason spent time coming up with it. Therefore, I would ask what differences you find with the Audioquest power cords(each one). I would especially like comments comparing them with the standard power cord-eliminating any preconceived notions about throw-away power cords.
Ggil, I have heard an even later version of the APL Hi-Fi Denon 3910 with Nuforce 8.02b's(with Cardas adaptors for my single-ended preamp), and I have to say that even though the APL had less than 50 hours of the 200-300 minimum burn-in, that unless you are really way up there in tube-land, that they sound fine(or better). I'm not sure, at this point, that cd's that aren't recorded in analog, to begin with, sound good. This is with little experience in this area, but I will try to update as I go along in my listening.
I hope people don't mind, but I haven't read all the responses here, yet. I have been an enthusiast for Nuforce amps, as shown by my previous posts on it. What I'm objecting to here is that I was told that only way I could update by Nuforce 8.02b's to 8.05's or 9's was to sell my 8.02's and buy a 9. I could listen to the 9's for free they said. I guess that I waited too long. Now, let me just say that the 8.02's are fantastic amps. It's just that I have to use the Cardas adaptors to match my single-ended RGR. I have been told by two designers that this was not good in this instance(although Ayre use them successfully in their stuff). I guess I waited too long. Boy, those guys are quick! Hell, I might prefer the 8.05's to the 9's! Who knows? I'm not your conventional audiphile. BTW, don't listen to the naysayers about the Nuforce's. They are fantastic!
Look, apparently, I cannot upgrade my Nuforce 8.02b's to either 8.05's or 9's. Anyhow, the 8.02's are fantastic amps in their own right. As sources, I use Linn, Ekos, Archiv(circa 1992), Mana table-APL Denon 3910 cd player(currently being modified). What does that tell you about Nuforce? If I were in the market, I would investigate the Nuforce 8's(make sure they are 8.02's), and maybe their integrated amp. I don't feel like I'm missing anything with the 8.02's, and I've listened to the 9's.
Magnan said that hard surfaces make the Nuforce's sound hard. My 4-inch teak did that, but I offer a cheap cure if you followed my mistaken advice. On top of my teak, I put a small isonode, then a myrtle block, and then the amps. Total cost, including shipping, is under $30 per amp(assuming you get your myrtle from the guy who sells them on Audiogon).
Eldarford, was what you said about ebony and balsa true? I know there is site out there that describes the sound of different types of wood.
I've had the Nuforce 8's, 8.01's, and 8.02's(all b's with a single-ended 80's preaamp{RGR). If you are going used, and you have a preamp, you need to investigate the 8.02's. Even though I heard the 9.02's, I can't imagine anything exceeding the 8.02's. You now know my capabilities. I will be getting, at least the 8.05's. For those not in the know, it means I have the capability to upgrade to the 9's. I am broke, broke! You would not believe the 8.02's. Let's quit kidding. These amps are phenomenal! I am a scientific janitor(a graduate of Nuclear Power School, who spent 7 years in Chiropractic College). Excuse me, there are some guys in white coats knocking on my front door.
Let me just say that I've heard $100,000 amps, and the 8.02's aren't disgraced in this company. Why am I changing? Good question. First, I use the the 8.02's with Cardas adaptors, which adds another connector to the situation. Second, I was told that the Nuforce 8's were actually a single-ended amp by two audio manufacturers(Ori of Oritek Audio, and Alex of APL Hi-Fi), and I have 8.02b's. Third, getting the 8.05's(or maybe the 9.02's) allows me to talk about things without getting dismissed. Let me just say, that the used 8.02's(insist upon this) represent an incredible value, although I don't know the cost. I use them with the cheap Volex power cords and have them on 4-inch teak, while leaving them on all the time. E-mail me if you've gotten them, if you don't think they are absolutely incredible. Here is your chance to own as good as the best!
Jp1208, I am very interested in the Speltz. I haven't gotten back with you, but I upgraded my 8.02b's to 8.05's, which allows me to upgrade further. Thank you Casey for the clarification(because I know it's you). I'm now on maybe 15 hours on the 8.5's. So far(and they recommend 75 hours of music), the 8.5's have the midrange, but I also miss(although, it's maybe contrived) the added treble detail of the 8.02's. I'm using Signal Cable Silver Resolutions, which have Eichmann Silver RCA's. Boy, do I love a discussion! I've done some other things, but I think that Jp1208 is the final arbitrator on this. It seems like, so far, that the 8.5's don't have that treble detail that the 8.02's had. This is on analog, and that's not a negative on the 8.5's, as their midrange is so something, but Jp1208 has both the Speltz and the Silver Resolutions. He just needs to compare them both on analog. Let's open this up? I want to thank Jp1208 for even telling me that I could upgrade(I had given up.).
I am very happy with my Nuforce 8.5's. I also believe that the standard power cord supplied is not the normal throwaway. Blame Casey for that, I believe. I had the opportunity to hear the Audio Research Reference 3 preamp, Lamm 2.1 amps, Nordost Valhala interconnects and speaker cable, some expensive line conditioning, and a total room ASC(?) do-over. This is a dedicated room, also. My god!, this stuff exceeds my abilities. Hell(notice I've mention both hell and god?), my recent(3 weeks old) APL Hi-Fi's Denon 3910 exceeds anything that I would expect(thank you, Alex!). Jp1208, I appreciate your advice on the 8.5's versus the 9.02's. I have a bid on one disc that I heard on the mucho-expensive system(It included Wilson Alexandria's-a $135,000 speaker system.), so I can't completely comment until I've heard this disc on my system. I can comment that it sounded incredible on Steve's(Oneobgyn) system. The regular cd didn't come close on my system, though. But, what prices are we talking about here?
I want to mention that I put the Nuforce 8.5's directly onto 4-inch teak(defeating the footers of the Nuforce). The teak sits on Bright Star Audio isonodes. Before, the amp sat with their footers on the teak, and there were no isonodes between my preamp and the teak. I believe(strongly) this last tweak improved the solidity of the sound. I'm not really advocating teak(as I bought it to help pay off a debt), but it's food for thought. The current thinking is maple, and 4-inches is better than 2-inches(per Mapleshade). And you guys thought that I was obscure?
I believe that it was an Italian review of the Nuforce's that said isonodes under the amps sounded better. I'm just offering another view. Something to experiment with(I have isonodes, also.). It seemed like isonodes provided more detail, but when I heard the Nuforce's directly on the 4-inch teak, it sounded much more solid outside my house. Many people would choose the detail-just because it's detail, while I disagree. I think that you have to go with the solid sound. I believe that it is intuitive, versus intellectual.