It goes to prove how subjective this hobby is. Are you KIDDING me, 4.5k for a 25-30 year old 510? I know this is an old post but to those that might be tempted by a "legendary" component from days bygone, just be aware of what you're willing to pay relative to what is available in the here and now. I heard the 508, not the 510, numerous times at a local dealer many years back and the sound was always the same, as flat as a pancake, no depth, layering and a bit harsh in the upper frequencies relative to the competition, the antithesis of tube sound or the best ss, to my ears of that time, the Class A Thresholds. Or is the 510 a whole nother ballgame? I doubt it!
Onkyo m510 grand integra
Hello. I am planning to buy this amp (used). Does anybody know it or has ever listened to it? The system would include proac d80 speakers, an accuphase dp 67 cd player and a BAT vk 3 preamp. Music that I usually listen to includes pretty much everything except rap and heavy metal. Thanks in advance for your recomendations.