Onkyo m510 grand integra

Hello. I am planning to buy this amp (used). Does anybody know it or has ever listened to it? The system would include proac d80 speakers, an accuphase dp 67 cd player and a BAT vk 3 preamp. Music that I usually listen to includes pretty much everything except rap and heavy metal. Thanks in advance for your recomendations.
It goes to prove how subjective this hobby is. Are you KIDDING me, 4.5k for a 25-30 year old 510? I know this is an old post but to those that might be tempted by a "legendary" component from days bygone, just be aware of what you're willing to pay relative to what is available in the here and now. I heard the 508, not the 510, numerous times at a local dealer many years back and the sound was always the same, as flat as a pancake, no depth, layering and a bit harsh in the upper frequencies relative to the competition, the antithesis of tube sound or the best ss, to my ears of that time, the Class A Thresholds. Or is the 510 a whole nother ballgame? I doubt it!
I could see the love for a ole Marantz receiver...man those were cool...but...ah...what ever floats the boat.
If anyone ever needs service on a Grand Integra just call, "Just audio" in Baltimore Md. They are a factory autyh rep and where I take all my Onkyo Grand Integra"s for service. I have a bunch! They have a form on their website for mail in gear. But If you've got a M-510 for sale                                                             "Contact ME!"
       That is the only one I've never had!