Output tube radiation exposure - thoughts?

Anyone out there give much thought to vacuum tube radiation exposure, especially the larger transmitting styles? I'm not sure what distances constitute a potential hazard and taking into account the effectiveness of standard tube cages if present. I recall it was considered a serious topic by some but not all of the ship's radio operators I sailed with in the past. Your impressions / experiences pls.
09-20-09: Viridian
I use tube gear and am unable to have children, so yes, I would say that there is a definite correlation.

Viridian, LMAO! Wait a minute.....that may explain why my children each have 12 fingers.......
When I listen to my tube amps I usually go into the next room to avoid those issues.
I thnk it has more to od with the voltage the tubes operate at, rather than the frequencies they are amplifying. I don't think there is a problem unitl you start getting into much higher voltages than any audio amplifier uses, But at those voltages, tubes can emit Xrays. May be an issue with CRTs, not sure.
Those audio frequencies are probably a lot less worrisome than the computer you answered on, especially if it has a CRT.There is more stray radiation on the power lines in the wall above your head,or that lamp cord when you sleep.
I thnk it has more to od with the voltage the tubes operate at, rather than the frequencies they are amplifying. I don't think there is a problem unitl you start getting into much higher voltages than any audio amplifier uses, But at those voltages, tubes can emit Xrays. May be an issue with CRTs, not sure."

This is utter nonsense!! Ionizing radiation only can occur when sub-atomic particles are excited by a high energy, high frequency power source.
If your statement was true then electrostatic loudspeakers would have been ultra-deadly.
Read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionizing_radiation

Those audio frequencies are probably a lot less worrisome than the computer you answered on, especially if it has a CRT.There is more stray radiation on the power lines in the wall above your head,or that lamp cord when you sleep."

True in a sense. CRT units are capable of emitting X-rays due to the frequency they operate at. Power lines frequency corresponds to that of the wall socket you get in your house - either 50 or 60 Hz - not dangerous.
The wee bit of OZONE discharge could be harmful but a gentle breeze around the power lines quickly dissipates it.

Humans get more daily radiation exposure from cosmic rays and RADON than anything else.