
Hi Audiogoners!

I need a new power amp to my Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation (18 watts minimum recommended input power / 8 ohm).

Have a Mark Levinson No.532 that keeps broking down and it's getting too expensive to fix in Europe. 

Music: Classical/symphonic and jazz.

Room: 13 x 26

Preamp: Auralic DAC/Pre (but this can change....)

Ideas so far:

Pass Labs XA-25 (hype or really good and powerful enough?)

Accuphase A-48 (too polite?)

If you have a minute....I need ideas in that price range...+/- $$. Thanks!



I wouldn't rule out the Accuphase, but I would give it a listen before buying. Some people do feel that Accuphase is polite, but to me it is just very low distortion.  

As far as matching with your speakers, Accuphase claims to double down to 1 ohm..  The December 2023 Stereophile has a review and measurements of the A-300, which is not exactly what you want, but may be helpful.  The A-300 also was named Amplification Component of the Year in the December 2024 Stereophile.  Don't count it out without hearing it.

Like I said above, probably not enough power. Make sure you can audition before purchase or buy it used.

The A-300 is a beast....almost like the one I already have. The problem with these big expensive amps is that it is almost impossible to service them if they breake after the guaranty is gone. I don't have the money to send them around the world for service. The last problem with the ML was 3.000 USD. That's why I want a more "normal" amp.

I have owned Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation speakers since 2010 driven mostly by a Luxman L-509u integrated amp and more recently by a class A Luxman L-595A SE integrated amp which sounded lovely as did an Accuphase E-380 120W class A/B integrated amp.

Last year I had a chance to acquire a pair of Verity Audio Arindal speakers - one size up from the Parsifal but a little more sensitive at 93 dB (vs 89 dB for the Parsifal). I drove them for a short time with the L-595A which I replaced with an Accuphase A-48 amp and C-2900 preamp. What a wonderful combination! The Luxman L-595A was my introduction to class A amps, but the A-48 took everything to the next level.

Accuphase class A amps are legendary - from their integrated amps like the E-650, E-800 to separates such as the A-48, A-80 or A-300.

I would highly recommend pairing Verity Audio speakers with Accuphase or Luxman amps - but especially Accuphase.