Peachtree Audio 2.0

I've been listening to my Canadian made Peachtree Audio nova150 over the past few weeks and just can't believe how good it sounds for the money. So I wondered who else might have stumbled across this Canadian made wonder and have an opinion.  What do you think?
450 watts not enough for Maggie's?  They need lots of current so maybe that's the issue.  How loud? I was thinking of going back to Magnaplanar... probably 1.7s. I have had a couple of pair through the years.  I never had an  issue with my old Maggies but I did have an amp that could handle 2 ohms and delivered lots of  current..(amps!) along with 300 watts into 4 ohms. [Preamp was an ARC SP6. The power amp was a dual mono unit from the now defunct Audire Audio.] I will look for a new set of speakers that are a bit more efficient and can deliver, loud, dynamic sound without pulling down the power for the whole town. The old models lacked dynamic contrast and became veiled as they aged as I recall. 

The Nova 150 I purchased was a display model with several hundred hours so it was "run in."
I purchased a Nova 150 last Saturday and returned in Monday.  I was shocked by how bad it sounded! I expected the piece to make my Monitor Audio Silver 8s really sing.  Strange "splashy" highs.... veiled midrange ...lack of dynamics. I have been very happy with my Decca 2 so I was expecting the Nova to sound great.  I don't have any explanation to account for the sound issues. I spent about 8 hours listening to this unit and it sounded very bad compared to my old and less expensive  gear. I A - Bed the unit for my wife without comment and she liked the sound of both of my old units over the Nova.  Did the Nova ha e a problem?  An AC issue? I was really disappointed.  Great looking piece without lots features. The vendor had a number of Nova 300s returned with different issues but had not witnessed any Nova 150 problems.  Bummer!  ???
I have a Nova 300 and had taken it out of my computer system for a while in favor of a Heed Elixir. 

I've made a number of source and speaker changes since then and I have to say it sounds really nice with the Peachtree back in the mix. 

I'm using an MHDT Orchid DAC with Tidal, Qobuz, and Spotify via USB from my PC, I have an old Onkyo DV SP205FX SACD player, and a Clearaudio Emotion turntable with a Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena phono pre.  Speakers are Canton Vento Reference 9.2 DC. 

I'm running the Orchid and the turntable through my Simaudio 430HA headphone amp and into the Peachtree as I listen to headphones a lot in this room.

I wasn't, and still am not, using the Peachtree's DAC or phono pre or headphone amp, which is the main reason I switched to the Heed, which I also really like. 

The Peachtree is just a little more refined and easy to listen to.  The Heed is a really nice piece, but is a little "hotter" than the Peachtree.  Not "bright", but a little more aggressive and this system is in a small room (maybe 12 X 12) with the speakers only about 5 feet from my listening position and stuck in corners of the room (not ideal, I know but it's the space I have to work with).  I might like the Heed better if I had a larger listening space.
I’ve had a nova500 since mid December and (finally) really like it,  it took a long time to run-in but that was with new everything (speakers, source, etc,) so I don’t think it’s fair to say the Peachtree is all to blame.  Initially it sounded HORRIBLE...  flat, no sound stage, compressed dynamics, etc.  all those things people talk about hating in authentically reproduced music,  

Now that I’m 200+ hours in, I have to say it’s bordering on outstanding.  Also no crackles, bumps or other oddities.  It just works as advertised and honestly sounds better every day. 

Rest of the stuff: Dynaudio Contour 60, SOtM SMS-200 Ultra Neo SE and Roon 1.6 playing a combination of HiRes and Tidal.

Peachtree has the new Nova 500 with more power and also a new "better" preamp section. I am considering trading my Nova 150 in the Spring or splurging on the new Krell 300i integrated which has 2 HDMI inputs. The Nova 150 is a good unit and a little recessed on the highs, which maybe a good thing for some.
I bought a Nova 300 in October as an upgrade to a bi=amped B&K Sonata/Outlaw pre-amp set up.
I was blown away by the quality of the sound coming out of my B&W 685's w/sub, you will not regret it and it is a compact and attractive piece of equipment. The only piece of equipment left in the rack except for my PC and Music Hall CD player. Life has never sounded so good! 
Yup, unfortunately not an isolated incident, Cusco. I LOVE my Nova 300 but just encountered this same crackling, but only when using the USB A input set to the USB 2.0 mode to run my Windows PC as a source. Clean one day, crackling the next and no other changes were introduced. I even reinstalled the windows driver 2.0 software - no go. No crackling when switched to USB 1.0., even when all other settings are the same. The USB B input is clean, I run that to an Ipad. When I use the coax in from the the same PC, no static. This is a big deal as I stream tidal desktop (for master recorsings) and prefer the settings afforded by the digi conection over the coax. This is also the second one I’ve owned in 4 months due to the first one not powering up mysteriously after owning for about 6 weeks. Because of the AMAZING SOUND, I MIGHT want to stick with Peachtree, crazy as that may be after all these problems but I might just go with a pre only this time, being that I don’t use the power amp portion anyway. My Magnepan MG3a’s proved to be too hungry for even the 450wpc into 4ohm provided by the PT, so i scored Bel Canto ref1000 monos and have just been using the PT for its DAC & pre anyway. If the 300 goes, it’ll be the 1st time ever that my wife will be sad to see a component go. She (and I) love the gloss mocha beauty and simplicity of one do it all component that sounds amazing.
Let me know when you end up selling the Peachtree, shah. I've been browsing all over for a used one, preferably in the gloss ebony mocha. 
I own a Peachtree Decco65 and I've loved it for a few years now. Unfortunately there is an issue with it where the speakers are muted because it thinks there's headphones plugged in. I figure I could just use this as my excuse to upgrade.
I have had a Peachtree Nova  150 ( has the latest software update )for about 7 months with Kef LS 50 that I used in my 2ndry desk top  system loved the combination , a month ago I decide that I needed less cluster on my desk so purchased the new Kef LS 50W powered speakers. So I have the LS50 and the Peachtree on sale except have been too lazy to put it on sale on Audiogon
I'm a huge Peachtree Audio fan. Their DeepBlue 2 redefines what bluetooth can do. Simply the best of it's kind, and a bargain under $400. I also own the SonaDac, which is essentially the Nova 150 without the power amp. Beautiful design, superb build quality, amazing sound. Too bad PA decided to discontinue it (supplier costs and more demand for the Nova 150) because it stands on a level of its own, regardless of price. Customer support at PA is first class, too. They are great folks who care about their products and customer satisfaction.
I've been running the 220 amp and novaPre duo for three years, using my iMac as the source via USB.  I'm using them to run a nearfield miniMaggie setup with an REL t5 to round things out.  I love it.  Had an early issue with the USB circuit on the novaPre, but PT fixed it very promptly.  I've found PT's customer service to be exemplary.  (I sent them multiple emails regarding advice on cables, interconnects, power conditioning, power cords, etc. and they were always helpful). I haven't had any crackling issues.

I just took advantage of their trade-in promo towards a new nova300.  Even with depreciation, total outlay is still 1500 less than the Grand Integrated, and should (I hope) sound better (according to reviews).  

Same here, I've had the Nova pre for about 5 years and it has been flawless. Actually, getting the new Nova and using it as a preamp is not a bad idea. The used Grand Pres are still quite expensive. 
I have a Peachtree NovaPre for some 4 years and it has been trouble free. It sounds great and I love the flexibility of all the inputs.  I have Node 2 connected directly to the NovaPre via Toslink thru which I stream Tidal.

I also have my laptop attached thru a USB cable directly to the NovaPre. I do remember that when purchased my new Lenovo about a year ago, I had some crackling issues. IIRC I was able to clean them up completely by reinstalling the driver.
Post removed 
The Peachtree is a quality item...
I agree. I'm one not to purchase a new model when it first comes out anyway. I believe Oppo has some dips in the road as well with the new 203 player as well.

I bought a Peachtree Nova 150 about 2 months ago and couldn't be happier.  It's my upstairs system and playback is all Flac files from JRiver on my laptop to Elac B6's.  Dead quiet - fast/responsive - musical -resolving - good soundstage and imaging, attractive package on a desktop.

My Downstairs system is Wadia 860/Bryston 4BST/Vandersteen 3A Sig - While there is no comparison between the two systems - different animals and pricepoints - $16,000 vs $1700 - but not that dissimilar...

The Peachtree is a quality item....
I have a theory "People tell you who they are....believe them"

Same with products. Yes, many people return due to lack of knowledge, color, etc. However, audiophile are ones who dig a bit deeper with expectations of audio components. Maybe take some Amazon reviews with a grain of salt, but I would place more weight on what audiophile Peachtree buyers are saying. 

With that said, My NovaPre, about 6 years ago, developed a major issue. I returned to PT and the turnaround was quick and not a problem since. 
I have been scrutinizing Peachtree for a while, scrolling through their forums and following all the reviews. I sincerely hope I'm barking up the wrong tree as I'm hoping to clear out 2 chunky units for a slim and beautiful Nova 300. What I'm looking for is reliability as service or even warranty exchange is far too expansive and time consuming for my location. However, there are just too many feedback on this issue. I rest my case.
Obviously, any brand can have a quality defect, but I'm thinking that the statistical probability of getting back to back units with the exact same defect is probably pretty slim.  I think cusco69 is barking up the wrong tree with the "cheap parts" and "common issue" claims as well.  

My guess is that there's something else happening, but I'm just not experienced enough with the ways of electricity and power generation to give any tips.  But there are some very smart people on this forum who've dealt with ground hum and RF noise and the like and can probably offer some ideas.   It may not help in this case, since you've already returned them, but the knowledge may be helpful for future situations.
Unfortunately dealer is over a thousand miles away from me and all I can do is have them listen to that noise. They're not sure what's causing it and even said I'm the only customer so far that reported this kind of issue. I even called Peachtree support and tech mentioned "dolby pro processing" issue w/c further perplexed me. The thing is I have 2 older Marantz receiver SR9200 and SR4320 and I dont experienced this issues at all. Dont get me wrong I love the sound that I heard from Nova300, its definitely better than my two receivers and it also showed the real capability of my ATC and B&W speakers but that crackling noise really bugged the heck out of me.
I only have nova units for a week(at a time) and returned both of them. 
 Paksiw, did all of that testing, with multiple amps, multiple speaker cables, cd players, etc. happen at the dealer or did it all happen in your home?  Were you and the dealer able to re-create this noise at the dealer on one of his units?
Tested two nova 300 units and both of them have the same issue. Dealer said its impossible for crackling noise to happen especially if using digital connections. I used two Sony cd players and a brand new Cambridge transport, 3 kinds of speaker cables, two month old speaker, and even bought a new optical cable and same stuff happened. It's a shame coz' I think that this integrated amp is the complete package considering its specs. For now I will hang on to my old Marantz receiver until I find a similar feature laden integrated amp for the same or near that price range. 
OMG, this is a common issue with their 220 model, and now it's also with the Nova 2.0. I was leaning heavily towards a 300 but looks like "make in USA" does not make a difference. Sorry to hear your new unit have a problem. Some cheap parts had been brought forward from old ............
I have the nova 300 and really like them but I'm hearing crackling noise everytime my cd player initially reads a disc. Have you experience this issue at all?