People Who Affest Electronics

People Who Affect Electronics

"Kamilla believes her effects on electronics began with a jolting accident. “Since I was about 11, when a 220-volt bad circuit connection threw me ten feet, I am experiencing anomalies with electronics,” she reports. “I don’t wear watches, they stop. Computers stop working as I walk into a bank or store. There was a blackout when I walked into a Walmart twice. My TV got hit by lightning in a bad storm. I have gone through so many appliances and lights and switches for my car, and when it happens it’s like a comet, one after another, then it stops.”

"AFFECT" Audiogon doesn't allow title editing


I believe you...😊

Some people really fuck electronics...

Some people bring "luck" and some others "bad luck"... It is superstitions half of the time , like black cat etc... But the other half is genuine... We incarnate on earth with our own energy field... In the past this was studied with astrology...

For example we can compute some "days" which correspond to some bad day for a person to buy electronic appliance or car...

The cosmos is a synchronistic musical "machine"....


The topic does bring to mind the possibility that our electronic systems may be interacting with us in a manner unexplored and unsuspected.

One can look at audio systems like they would with house plants: treat them nice and they’ll do the same for you. 😄

All the best,

Well, as our VP says, "electronics are very important to the present.  But to understand our present, we have to understand our past.  And if we can understand our past, we can understand where we are going, in the future.  It can all be explained in a Ven Diagram, which I love, by the way.  So, let's all work really hard to understand where we are, by understanding where we have been, so we can understand where we are going, in, you know, the future!" 😆


But I guess she should avoid being around people with pacemakers, unless they're rich, widowed and her divorce is finalized!