Tried to get onto Perfect Paths website and order some Total Contact. I see that there website is now down, and the owner has died(R.I.P). Does anyone have any news on the availability of this product?
Part of the problem is a fringe group of very loud and obnoxious bullies have been lording it over everyone for so long now and it has gotten so blatant and awful that more and more people are rising up and standing athwart history and saying, "ENOUGH!"
And you are not programmed to deal with this, and you are frustrated. Of course you are. You are NPC.
Part of the problem is that a small number of people are regularly providing links to what most people would call ultra conservative/fringe websites. Audiogon needs to be careful not to become an open outlet for extremism and conspiracies. From Audiogon's perspective it's probably best to nip it in the bud early and often.
Everyone GIVE IT A REST! This is an AUDIO forum, not a POLITICAL one! Nobody comes here for political opinions, whether they are ones they agree with, or not. Just because some troll willfully ignores that and pushes your buttons doesn't mean you have to respond. Act like adults and keep this a refuge from ubiquitous political vitriol.
I’m not attacking you at all, sorry if it came off that way. The Heritage Foundation is not remotely a group I wish to be “informed by”. Nor is Breitbart or Fox or any other publication or group who deny facts in order to further lightly shrouded personal agendas. The Heritage Foundation was started by Joseph Coors et al and along with the National Prayer Breakfast cultists have different goals than do I.
I am not in favor of the recent tax cuts even though it benefitted me. I am in favor of fiscally responsible policies which will result in many of us here paying alot higher taxes. Somebody has to pay for the massive programs that were recently and justifiably implemented.
We don’t like vendettas. Take your vendetta outside. We wish not to get another thread deleted because of some foolishness. Run around the block. Do some yoga. Try not to hyperventilate. 😤
This has nothing to do with politics....This is one man vendetta....I will be here no more.... enjoy this audio site without me.... I can stand discussing with anybody of whichever political trends.... I hate nobody.... I am not in the same political camp than some here and never mind I enjoy the person.... except I cannot deal with bad faith, right or left, this has anything to do with politics....
I thank you all for your patience with me except one...
You assume way too much and have no clue about what you are talking. Giving quinines to Covid-19 patients has been observed to produce potentially fatal complications.
Enough of your carelessness disguised as "news". Check FDA website for recommendation. This forum is not where you need to be pushing your beliefs in what you have no experience with.
It is time that you stop advertising potentially fatal things on an audio forum. Discuss it with people at CDC, FDA, NIH, European Union medical authorities, and other knowledgeable institutions instead of promoting unsafe practices that can kill people on the website where people are not fully understanding possible consequences.
Yes I did say it. What you are "innocently" promoting may kill someone. Stop it.
There are already a worldwide positive observational studies....This is the more known and study product( HDC) for this virus at this times...
The price and availability is also important factors...
Which one would you ask the nurses for?
I will wait for you to take this remdesivir and I will study the secondary effects on you before taking it.... In the mean time I will go with HDC after a heart screening test mandatory for it from the beginning.... :)
Remember that they recommend Remdesivir for the desperate case or the late stages of the disease? In the first stage I will try HDQ.... where is the nurse?
I dont like to be guinea pig and I dont want to wait the late stages....
Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial:
That’s old gnus 🐃 🐃 my friend. Gilead’s Remdesivir has 100% chance of helping patients with COVID-19. Didn’t you get the memo? It was approved by FDA yesterday Hel-loo! Why take chances? Get with the program. Besides a large randomized study has not (rpt not) been done for hydroxychloroquine.
lets see, a post from the dailysignal? The mouthpiece of the Heritage Foundation? Chief architects of client change denial because being environmentally aware is bad for business? Next thing you know someone will point out that the head of this non profit makes over $2 million a year. Im sure there are others who make more from running a non profit but Roger Goodell of the NFL is the only one I can think of off the top of my head.
There is a small step between posts like that and deletion of the post. At least that is how it would be if someone moderating wanted to quell usual rethoric of people with too much time on their hands and not enough insight about the limits of that.
I cannot care less what happens to your post, it may stay as far as I am concerned, but if it gets deleted or leads to deletion of some subsequent ones, do not be surprised.
I'm not whining. I'm just curious about what triggers deletions. There were three deletions, none of which were offensive to me. Just links to comedy and alternate information.
I agree that the Mods have the right to remove any post they want to. No problem there. However, a link to a radio show is hardly the end of the world.
"So, considering the above, exactly which guideline did my last post violate?"
You did not consider all options...
"All submissions, whether they be questions or answers, are subject to moderation. Any designated moderator will have to the right to remove content that he or she deems inaaproprate.
Prohibited content
You will not submit content that is copyrighted or subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy, publicity, trade secret, etc., unless you are the owner of such rights or have the appropriate permission from their rightful owner to specifically submit such content.
You will not post information that is malicious, false or inaccurate.
You will not post content that is sexually expicit.
You will not post content that is abusive or defames another member of The Service."
I agree A'gon is not the place for politics. I find it hard, however, to sit still and just accept the constant snide remarks bashing OUR president. Four years of the constant berating and the total BS is way over the top, and I feel the compulsion to counter it. These guys aren't as clever as they think they are.
I didn't think my post was that bad. But its no biggy to me. Someone complained and they removed it. I prefer politics not be in the audio boards as it adds nothing. But I don't roll over & p;lay dead either. Too much hawk in me i guess. I may message you sometime to talk shop. You may have a better handle on an audio situation I have BTW I got a good laugh at your last comments...
My Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin downloaded podcasts never sounded so natural. It’s like these fellas are in the room. :-)
My last post wasn’t removed, but it was highly edited. By whom, I haven’t a clue. They did a nice job of it though. *lol* I can’t say that I blame them for the editing, as it was quite heated. No doubt it would have offended the sensibilities of the man-bun crowd who believe that the most appropriate place for a ring these days is through a nostril.
Yes, you’re right ... it is too bad that PPT Total Contact is no more. It really was an amazing product. For those of us who were able to experience it, we are truly grateful. It was a product that really opened up the sound space and improved the natural tonality of instruments. Just like I said with these little dinky Audioengine A2+ speakers residing beside my desktop.
My Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin downloaded podcasts never sounded so natural. It’s like these fellas are in the room. :-)
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