
What is a good power conditioner that I can use without breaking the bank? Also, what is a good AC power cable I can use for that, plus the Schiit Vidar power amp that isn't super expensive? I am currently using the stock cable for the amp. Thank You!
It depends on the value. I don’t want to say $200 for a cable if a $270 cable is really worth the extra money or even a $350 cable. For the power conditioner, in the ballpark of $350 would be nice, and the power cable.. anything around $250 
I researched some, chose this one

from ProAudioStarMessage Seller

Furman P-1800 PF R

$399.00; Tax (NJ)$26.43; Shipping FREE Total $425.43USD

 I have the  Equi=Core 1800 MK2. Typical on sale @ $1395. However they make a 1200 & 600. It depends on system size and power needs.

I've been using Shunyata Hydra 8 V2 conditioner with Shunyata Venom Power cords (non high-current). Sounds good to me. Amp goes straight to wall via Venom HC cord.
n suck cheap garbage dont make anything sound betterlook for used isotek