Power conditioning / surge protection

I have some decent Rega stuff. It's currently plugged into one of those surge protectors you get for 20 bucks at Staples. The odds are against it (and I'm insured), but I want to be sure a surge doesn't wipe out my gear. Also, if I can get a better sound by "conditioning" the power, then great. Although I have no way of knowing if there's anything funky about the power I'm getting from the wall. One hears a lot of claims, and I could easily spend $400+ if I wanted to (which actually I don't). So I'm asking for general advice along these lines - thanks in advance.

How does the aR1p affect the sound of your amp when it is plugged into the conditioner?

I have seen these recommended for amps, so curious to hear your experience.
if your area is affected by surges, you need an industrial grade surge protector such as TrippLite. all of these fancy units will serve the purpose of the clean power, but if bad will come to worse, you'll kiss your amp good buy.

Overall, we probably agree on most things regarding power conditioners. That said, you may want to have a look at Furutech. I have a e-tp80. Its not that expensive and I haven't found a situation where it hurts SQ at all. (I still plug my amps in the wall.) Its the kind of line conditioner to get if you don't like line conditioners.Personally, I don't like power products and cables that make big changes to your system. Its always at the expense of something. The Furutech is worth it just to get some outlets to your equipment without making a big deal about it. Thats primarily what I use mine for. I got mine from Cable Co. They have them to lend out.
Look into the Brick Wall surge protectors for non-fail protection (no MOV's). They claim some line conditioning as well. All for around $200.
Makes sense to me. I own 6 here in lightning prone Atlanta.

I run separate 2 ch and HT systems and both are connected to PC's. Haven't had any adverse results from surges and out west in Colorado, we get plenty of them. For Drr and Tbromgard - what are the benefits of plugging your power amps directly into the wall??