Powersnakes power cords

I just purchased a Black Mamba powercord. It is one of tne best upgades I have done to my system. Any comments from other users
I am using 2 Black Mambas (on transport and DAC) and three PS Audio Lab Cables plugged into a Hydra. I find the background to be much quieter than w/o the Hydra. Also tried the Hydra with the stock PCs and found a definite improvement with the high-end PCs in place. This is probably due to the fact that RF noise is being emitted/picked up by the stock PCs and not with the shielded PCs.
Yeah I thought the King Cobra on my CD was one of the most startling improvments I have done. I also have 2 Vipers on my amps. Lucky is the man with a Hydra, I inquired about getting one and the wait was 8 weeks.
I was stunned by the improvements I heard when I first put a Black Mamba in my system. And I want to add that this cord is very flexible (physically, it bends easily), which I consider a MAJOR plus. Some cords on the market are so stiff that if can be nearly impossible to keep them from pulling away from the component or the wall. If you can't make a good square-on connection, what good is it?
This seems to be one of those rare opportunities to give you my personal opinion knowing I will collect twenty plus negative votes. I'm writing my experience/opinion not to stir the water or look for trouble, but because I truly believe my opinion has value here.
I have used a number of these relatively expensive power cords (King Cobra and Black Mamba) in my system and found them to be well built, user friendly cables. I also found they changed the sound, on some equipment quite dramatically but I always felt it was something added. Not closer to the original performance but more an embellishment of the recording. I'm not sure I can explain it any better. On the cords I use now it always seems that something (a fog) was taken out, with the snakes I didn't feel that way.
A lot has been said here about power cords and the value they bring. There is a strong voice (now quieted some) that I will speak for that feel power cords are a hox and a pure waste of money. It is my opinion that these cords are one of a few that add to that hype. For the money, I believe there are a lot of options available, and to buy for brand name could leave you holding something less than you were looking for. My proof? Well look at the for sale listings. It's almost 25-40% snakes at any one time. Why are so many people selling there snakes?
I'm not one to trash a brand or a product, these are just opinions. For me, spending the money required for a snake, opens up a lot of great options. J.D.
Jadem6- What cords are you using now? I found something similar in the snakes but I'm told it was a breakin problem.