Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.

I can tell you one thing: If you have the 6c45 tube, you're stuck with it. I tried the 5842's, and they don't work. I need to research tube specs to find something that I can sub for the Russian tube.

On the other hand, if I keep the gain switch on low I have all of the volume I need (which can sometimes be quite a bit) with no tube noise at all. They get a little microphonic with the gain set to high at higher lisening levels.

I think it is a very good tube, but I wish I had some more choices. It is fun using tubes as "tone controls" and different sounds. I had all kinds of fun when I was playing around with the 12ax7's in the Audio Note. I'll keep looking, and let you know....
Cello - if you're Cortese is like mine, it uses E180F (6688)and 6922 tubes for the phono section.

The stock Cortese tubes are actually pretty good compared to the expensive NOS variety. The differences in sound resulting from changes in phono tubes is less than the differences produced by the line stage tubes.

I've tried quite a few and I think the Telefunken CCa's in the 6922 position are (so far) the best for me. I use Mullard E180F's I picked up for 10 bucks on Ebay and they're okay... not much different than the stock tubes.

hope this helps.
I hope that you receive yours too. It is simply amazing! People who posted their positive experiences here are right on the money! You will forget the period spent waiting once you hear the preamp out of the box!

Very special indeed! Currently, I am using the ff(pictures in my system link).

Tungsol 5881's
RCA Red Base 5692
Sovtek 5AR4 (Mullard metal base in transit already!)
Tungsol 6C4 and Amperex BB 6DJ8 for phono.

I am not worthy to own this preamp IMHO!

Hello Amandarae!I am truly happy for you... I have not received my Chenin yet...Oh well,Last contact I had with Mick was April 24th, He told me that it should of been done by now and that he got diverted on building a new amp., to match up with the Chenin/Chardonnay models...As for my pre....Mick said two/four weeks max.Thats fine,To date, the only part of my aged system that is left is my Quad 63s ,My Linn went last week, I am searching out a killer turntable arm and cartridge... The short list for a turntable is Teres, Origin Live, Nottingham,V.P.I...This is alot of fun...The amps are going to be easy... One of Micks or David Bernings... I am moving like a herd of turtles on this new system, perhaps by the end of summer or later my sweety and I will be cutn rugs late into the night...again...