PrimaLuna EVO 400 v Cary SLI-100

I've never owned anything other than solid state but I am increasingly intrigued with tubes.  Thinking of "investing" $5K or so in an all-tube integrated to (at least initially) drive my Klipsch Heresys.  Any thoughts on these two choices?  Is there another choice in this range?


Hear essentially the same performance as the PL EVO 400 and save a considerable amount off cash by looking at the Dialogue HP- previous generation.

The money saved can be used for an upgraded power cord and replacing the 2 innermost preamp tubes with NOS, which are the "money" slots.

Without the 2 upgrades you get 90% of the EVO400.

Plenty of  positive user reviews and it will drive your Heresys as intended.

PL build/features and value win over the Cary. Sure Cary SLI is a nice piece, made in USA. That's about it.

Longtime PL user.




Fantastic, thank you for the views and suggestions, super helpful. What I see so far as worth checking out, and I will seek them out at AXPONA in April (Chicago):

PrimaLuna EVO 300/400, or consider the previous gen, Dialogue
Cary SLI-100
Line Magnetic (LM-150ia?)
Rogue Audio Cronus Dark
Decware ZMA
Audio Research I/50
Raven Audio Osprey

More suggestions, and cautions, welcome!

Many of the other suggestions have an edge over the PrimaLuna in particular. If VAC or VTL do an integrated I would definitely add them to the auditioning list.

My buddy uses the Prima Luna Evo integrated amp with his(my old) Forte IV’s and it sounds pretty damn good.  I changed the stock tubes out for NOS Mullard EL34 XF2’s and the sound improved nicely.  I am not a fan of the Cary amps that I have tried or heard in other systems.