@mattsca I’ve never owned anything other than solid state but I am increasingly intrigued with tubes. Thinking of "investing" $5K or so in an all-tube integrated to (at least initially) drive my Klipsch Heresys. Any thoughts on these two choices? Is there another choice in this range?
Yeah, how about running neither of these specific amps mentioned.
An acquaintance I met designed the SLI-100 for Cary Audio with KT150s. Was the very last amp he designed before he departed the company. We talked about it some when he wrapped up that design. Appears it still designed to run KT150s. Look at the spec, other tubes are not listed. However the little brother amp can run other tubes. Gives more options to you. Look up SLI-80 and SLI-80HS both.
The SLI-80HS is still available, and still lists compatibility with all of these, 4 – KT88 Output Tubes (or 6550, EL34, 6CA7, KT77, KT90, KT120). More flexible.
As an owner of mono amps designed to run only KT150s, I will say my former SLI-80 integrated was a fun little integrated, and I enjoyed rolling tubes and upgraded caps in it. Sounded wonderful with the right speaker and tube pairing. I dont think you’d realize a benefit running the SLI-100 with KT150s if you want an older type of "tube" sound. Getting KT150s to sound like KT88s or EL34/KT77s, is not quite the same type of sound. Since you own Hersey speakers, I felt comfortable replying. Went through all of this with a friend and his iterations of amps with Herseys.
If you don’t buy a PrimaLuna, and like the Cary integrateds, I’ll share this. A buddy of mine owned Hersey 2,3,4s and still has the H4s how. He’s run his H4s with many tubes, lower and higher power tubes. All of these. 2A3, 45, 807s, 6L6s, EL34, 300B, and KT88s, KT77, and other output tubes prior on his Hersey H2s, H3s. He taught me some about KT77s years back. I shared this with others who like them too, and many still using KT77s today as their go-to tube for music listening time.
If you keep your solid state amp, and want a tube amp too, you could go with a Cary SLI-80 or SLI-80HS integrated and use KT77 output tubes in it for a rewarding sound. Others here with SLI-80 integrateds, or KT77 tube fans might chime in here.
It might help to know the SLI-80Hs was originally marketed and demonstrated around the Hersey Vintage series speakers and paired up together. A few photos are still out there, if it helps to see it paired up.
Look what’s sitting over there on the back wall, Hersey. 
others on the Cary site, old show/showroom photos, Forte’ paired with SLI-80.