Productive threads vs. contentious replies, .....a numbers game or,...

I have been on this forum since the early days of Arnie.  A theme from many has been members with a lack of audiophile thoughts in starting productive threads, vs what seems to be a hobby of contentious replies.  If you run into replies that are simply an extension of an ego, look up that member.....their pattern will be obvious....10 or 20 threads started and a few hundred replies..   This should be interesting. 

I am not sure if the "Ginger vs. Mary Ann" question will ever be resolved.  

Hope your'e not basing this on my many, many, many Ginger VS Mary Ann posts...

My mother in law heard we like NOS, so she cornered the market on 3 day old donuts

stop by y’all 

508 posts ....well if your ears are that good, I have a near mint set of "Thunder Lizard 2000s" I can sell you cheap (the ones with the 8 inch woofer).  Only used by a little old lady to listen to her Captain and Toenail LPs after she got home from church in Pasadena.....and I can throw in some state of the art "speaker wire" I got at the local even has one copper and one steel lead so even an idiot can connect things "in phase".   Watch for my BIC turntable listing next week, with a Shure M-93ed cartridge that hasn't had too much use in the last 30+ years, I realized that I should get rid of the turntable as 8-track tapes dominate most of my listening time.

Some website chat rooms are bland love fests, some are exercises in machismo, and some are genuinely engaged, wide ranging, thoughtful and lively. I enjoy them all. And oh yeah...  My ears are much better than any of yours!!!!