Projector power cable & conditioner?

I'm going with a ceiling mounted PJ. I'm also using the 'can' where a light fixture used to be for it's power supply which is also switched.

Are there power cables better suited to video which aren't pricey? A 15A IEC about 7 - 8ft will be needed.

Also is there some 'in wall' (ceiling) smallish power conditioner that is beneficial for projectors?

There sure isn't much room up in there for something like a stand alone super outlet.... and it'll need to be hard wired into the existing wiring, and only needs one 115v outlet.... in fact if it can be 'hard' wired on both sides, feed & supply, that will be even better.
Battery backups have generally been frowned upon by audiophiles, but I wonder if they might make sense for front projectors? Those expensive bulbs usually require fans to keep them cool. I might feel more comfortable knowing that the fan will operate regardles of power outages.
I use a PS Audio Soloist on my projector; basically an Ultimate Outlet built into a double gang box.

If your going to to have other can lights in series with the projector it might lead to a noisy a/c line.
First, I recommend wiring around the switch and other lights. Will be cleaner power and won't have to worry about someone accidentally switching off the projector and maybe causing damage to the bulb.

I use a Tara Labs PM/2 and a Tara Labs Prism AC power cable. I've been quite happy with these. The PM/2 is a bit larger than Shunyata's Hydra 2. I cut a small hole in the ceiling and it easily fits up above the drywall.

Given the option of replacing the outlet, a PS Audio Soloist might be nice as all the conditioning is done in the outlet and it eliminates one cord.


Thank you.

There was a chandelier up there before... now it's just a round hole awaiting a connection for the PJ. The switch attached to the PJ won't be messed with by company. Lighting in the room will be controled via a Lutron controler which is on another ckt. altogether.

off of the breaker supplying the ckt. there is likely gonna be some other outlets which will draw their power. I doubt much if anything else however will be in play during the PJ operation. Actually, during testing, using just a wall outlet and extension cord to power it up things look really good... according to those who've seen it running.

Thanks. I just Googled up some results for this notion, and the Soloist is one which seems to fit the bill. There are others like Furman, Triplite, etc.

I've not seen one with both ends hardwired though... all have outlets and I'd wish to avoid that if at all possible.
I wonder if you could wire in a IEC plug directly to the house wiring?? Then plug that into the conditioner. Can get the parts at any hardware store, Lowes, etc. Would bypass the outlet and extra PC that way. Need to make sure it doesn't violate electrical code, etc. For the Soloist, it would wire directly into the romex, then still only need one PC.


Sure. That is do-able within the NEC standards. however space is at a real premium. Boxes such as Hydras, Ultimate outlets, etc. likely won't fit. The Soloist seems viable... and I've one other resource to investigate.

The only wire exposure I want if possible is that portion which makes up to the PJ itself, dropping out of the channel immediately above and behind it. All else needs to be unseen. Consequently I'd wish no outlet exposed either, and just make up inside the ceiling pancake box I'll paint and surface mount over the existing hole where the chandelier used to be.

OK How's about anyone ever find somehow or somewhere, a power cable more suited to video... ???
I put on my Sony projector a PS Audio Prelude cable I had laying around. The picture quality jumped out at me: more vibrant and solid imaging, deep and beautiful color and more "pop" and vibrancy. Definitely recommended! Also, this was plugging this into the tail end of a 50ft, thick gauge, Home Depot extension cord (12AWG).

Good luck,


is that the name of the supplied cord which cmoes on the Duets, or UPC200?

Blindjim, audience ar1p similar to ps soloist except its 1 receptacle only.Goggle for audienceav for its website. Currently 2 for sales at audiogon ac conditioner section. I would have purchase if its rated for 240V. Happy searching
I use a battery back up for peace of mind with my Projector incase of power outage so I can properly shut it down, I would strongly suggest you look into this aswell.
While I use aftermarket cords in all other areas have have not with Projector and if I am missing something I dont know what, I just dont have the cash to get the length I need for Projector.

Thanks much, but it's too large to fit into the opening in the ceiling. I would have to somehow surface mount it and I'd prefer not to clutter up that area more than necessary.