Question Regarding Tuner And Satellite Radio

I sold my tuner(Yamaha T-1)last year becasue FM radio does nothing for me. I would much rather listen to cd's. Recently I got Direct TV which has Sirius Xm, I still prefer cd's but I am thinking about a tuner again for a change of pace. can a tuner be hooked up to my TV so I can hear the satellite radio through my audio system? What are my choices? I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
can you run a wire from you DirecTV reciever to an external DAC? I do not know the proper terms but I imagine this could be possible. Otherwise I think you can buy a Sirius tuner...

I do like the jazz channel 850 on DirecTV and I miss 852 which was an electronic jazz channel they cancelled months ago
Just run a cable from the Direct TV audio out to your system.No need for a DAC,(can't figure out that comment).If you are wanting the entire SirriusXM package,you'll have to get a subscription and tuner.
Tpreaves - I just thought it may be possible (if the receiver had the correct output)and he could benefit from the upgrade in sound.

I should have mentioned that he could also just run an IC straight to the amp (like I do) and get mediocre sound
Philjojet, that is an interesting question. I wonder how one could seperate that digital signal from the signal feeding the pre-pro? A "Y" adapter maybe. Or maybe it would be better to upgrade the pre-pro to one with a better DAC? Something to investigate, at the very least.
Thanks for the responses. Looks like a regular tuner will not accept the Sirius signal? Or will running that one IC to my pre amp do the trick albeit with lousy sound?
A regular tuner will not pick up sat radio.Running the audio from your sat tv reciever will not produce critical listening sound,but it will be far from lousy.My opinion only,others may differ.
Tp. It would be background music as all my critical listening (when I can) is cd. Thanks.
Easiest way is to get an FM Transmitter. Run your signal to it and let it broadcast to your tuner.

I have a collection of tuners and several nice FM stations to listen to but I also enjoy Satelite radio so I bought a FMT to hook up to my Polk XM receiver. As I type, I'm listening to XM playing on my Marantz 20b.
Onemug,Zar sold his tuner,he already has sirrius,no need to buy anything else.Folks are trying to make this more complicated than it needs to be.
Tpreaves, I read his first sentence, did you read the rest of his post?

"I am thinking about a tuner again for a change of pace. can a tuner be hooked up to my TV so I can hear the satellite radio through my audio system?"

If that is what he wants to do, I gave him the simplest way I know of.