I've had the Quicksilver and Quicksilver Gold for years now. Initial impression is brightness but once things settled, my system became more transparent and revealing. I have not observed any uncalled for brightness or fatigue after the burn-in period. If you have not tried it, I would strongly encourage you try this on your cable feed, video cables and such. The effect on video is more dramatic and for the better from the start--amazing.
Quicksilver Contact Enhancer
Hi any body tryed the above, I bought the one from Xreme AV LLC, cant say that I am happy so far I know they say to be patient and wait 21 days Iam going on 5 days, It has seem to increase the volume of the sound and it has made everything sound bright at decent volume, I had my system to a point where I was realy happy, but we always wont more and the theory makes sense and I hope I will stick it out, just interested if any body else been through the same thing and was the outcome worth the wait? or do I wipe it off and send it back!they say there never had a return!
Thanks Kel
Thanks Kel