"Saudage" and the music of Brazil.

In spite of the frequent disappointment expressed here about the state of contemporary American jazz and pop, there are countries around the world, Brazil in particular, where creative music thrives. Brazil, as anyone who has spent anytime there knows, is a very sexy and soulful place where music takes a much more prominent role in the life of the average person than it does here in America. "Pop" music in Brazil has always had a level of sophistication almost unheard of in American pop. And man is it fun! Most American music lovers have at least some experience with the music of Antonio Carlos Jobim; other Brazilian personal favorites include: Vocalist Ellis Regina, soulfulness personified. If "Fascinacao" ("Fascination") from her recording "Personalidade" doesn't move you, have your vitals checked. Milton Nascimento, if only American pop where one-half this hip. "Yaurete", "Miltons". And for the really far out, multiinstrumentalist/composer Hermeto Pascoal; revered by giants such as Miles and Shorter has recorded some of the most creative and interesting boundary shattering stuff you will ever hear. Care to add to the list?
Dacostab, I have Sol Negro from Virginia and is one of my reference CD's very good, do you have this also? If so how do you compare them?

There's a CD I really enjoy a lot and also use as reference for my testing it was suggested by a non audiophile friend during a visit to Brazil: Leila Pinheiro Na Ponta da lingua
This one I enjoy for good 'old listening (non audiophila nervosa type listening) and best yet it also works for the evaluation side of my brain!!!
Track 7 is my favorite "Pra nos Lembrar"
The body of breadth of music coming out of Brazil is staggering these days, and so strange that there isn't a ? bigger recognition in the states. I'm a big fan of Djavan, Tonino Horta, Dori Cayami, Chico Buarque, Ana Caram, Baden Powell, Gui Mallon, etc............

How about a plug for a friend ? www.brazmus.com, if you haven't been there, is a great source for all of the above. Eliana (sp?), the owner, is a great source for brazillian imports. I recently had the pleasure of spending a quite a long time speaking to her at a mutual friends wedding.......aside from being on a first name basis with many of the above, she knows her stuff, bigtime.
Frogman indeed it will include Rio where my wife was raised and will include a stop in Bele Horizonte, Salvadore and maybe Curitiba. I will be certain to check out JazzMania in Copacabana among a few others. There is always a flurry of things to do and people to visit when we go and it will be non-stop I'm sure. Brazil is a wonderful place to visit the only problem is there is never enough time to do it all.
Tubegroover, three weeks in Brazil? Fabulous! If your trip happens to include Rio, be sure to check out what's happenning at the club JazzMania in Copacabana. For samba, best to get to a samba school. Closest to the main beaches: Beija Flor and Vila Isabel. Enjoy.
Toninho Horta, Joao Gilberto, Ana Caram, Flora Purim, Luiz Bonfa, Oscar Castro-Neves, Astrud Gilberto, etc
Great post Frogman. I would certainly agree with Maria Bethania Gal Costa and Simone (three of my favorites), Djavan, Caetano Velosa, Alcione are also all excellent contemporary Brazilian pop artists. For Samba/Pagode try Jovelina Perola Negra, Grupo Raca and Raca Negra. For you folks not familiar with this delicious music you just GOTTA give it a listen. Brazilian rhythms and melodies are well...just distinctly Brazilian with so many jazz and Africian influences. There is such a diversity of flavors and moods to satisfy all tastes. And Frogman, I plan on a 3 week visit in July and plan on bringing back muito musica and an ear to ear grin from that wonderful place.
Good post! Got to add Maria Bethania and Gal Costs (especially their duet on Sonhu Meu), Caetano Veloso, and Toquinho (awesome acoustic guitar artistry). And, for true "pop" with flair, Daniela Mercury can be a lot of fun to listen to, even more fun to dance to, and a LOT more fun to watch in concert.