Recommend a desktop nearfield speaker for me

I'm a bit confused as to whether "bookshelf speakers" are designed to be listened to from a distance, or if they are suitable on a computer desk where the distance to the ear is only ~2 feet. Or, if they are equally good in both situations (which seems to be tough).

I understand that nearfield speakers are optimized for small distances, but they are mostly active speakers, and I need a passive speaker.

Could someone recommend a passive nearfield speaker or bookshelf speaker that works well at small distances, for use on a computer desk?

My tube amp (LTA UL+) puts out 20 Wpc into 8 ohms.

I'm considering:

1. DeVore micr/O
2. BBC LS3/5A speakers such as the Harbeth P3SR
3. Focal Aria 1, maybe Sopra 1 if I stretch my budget. However the recommended amp power is 25W - 150W whereas my amp is 20W, so might not be ideal.
4. Omega Super Alnico High Output

Which (or others) might be best suited for my amp and 2-feet distance use-case? Also, the smaller the better...


Showing 5 responses by wrm57

+4 on the P3ESR. It’s an excellent sounding little speaker and IMO beautiful in Rosewood. It is not exactly balanced, having a bump in the lower midbase, but that bump would work for you as a desktop speaker, supplying a pleasing low end that remains integrated with the overall, lovely sound.


This thread has spurred me to think about finding some little bookshelf speakers to use in my gym/shop. My needs aren’t much different from the OP’s, so I hope I’m not hijacking the thread. The speakers must be: less than 12-in high, because they’ll sit on a workbench under a shelf; front-ported or sealed-cab, because they’ll be up against a wall; and easy to drive with low-watt tubes, as I’ll be using a 10w push-pull EL84 integrated. So far, only the Proac Tablette 10 seems to fit all criteria. Other ideas? What have I overlooked?

EDIT: I just realized the Devore Micr/O would also fit the bill, albeit at a higher price-point.

I’m leaning pretty heavily towards a used pair of the Tablette 10, maybe the Sig version. The Devores are intriguing but probably more than I care to spend on this little system.

Congrats! I’m sure they will sound terrific. I owned pre-Alnico Omegas years ago; they were beautifully made and exceptionally coherent with excellent presence, if a bit bass-shy. No doubt the Alnicos are much better, esp with the sub. I’ve actually been thinking about asking Louis to make me a front-ported pair of your speakers, if he thought they’d work well enough that way. He’s one of the good guys.