Recommendations for speakers that sound great at lower volume levels.

I have a pair of Harbeth SHL5 Plus and they sound wonderful when I crank them up. But at moderate to low volume levels they sound disappointingly flat and unengaging - instruments are less palpable, bass has less bloom, and soundstage has less air and dimensionality. I drive my speakers with a tube integrated - a Line Magnetic 845 rated at 26 watts of power. My Harbeths are rated at 86db. Would a higher sensitivity speaker be helpful? Or how about a good quality small shoebox sized pair of speakers coupled with a subwoofer? Or not. What speakers are going to deliver music you can feel at low volume levels? What say all you wisened audiophiles?
Matching amp with speaker is, perhaps, the most difficult and central issue in Audio.
It is clear that the 26 watts from the LM is not enough power for the Harbeths. However, I imagine you love that amp.
+1 on Quad 57s. That amp is a beautiful match for Quads!
And the SQ of 57s is still about the best midrange you can get.
And the rebuilt ESS Quads are said to do bass and treble unlike any 57. Harbeths are lovely but cannot compare with the beauty and enjoy ability of 57s. After 64 years, still one of the best.
I have a pair of Tekton 2-10 Perfect Sets which I drive with a pair of Schiit Aegirs - 80 watts each heavily biased to Class A.

They are amazingly good at low volumes.

About $2k/pair for the Tektons.  Great dynamics, detail and when you sit down to listen, it’s very hard to leave - even at low volumes.

If you’re not bothered by big heavy speakers, get the Tekton Moabs-even better.
quad esl57’s, wonderful as they are, have their issues too, which are manifold

there is no perfect speaker, perfect component
My Dynaudio Heritage Specials powered by my Naim Supernait 3 integrated amplifier sound full and extended at 70 to 75db's sitting about 10' away. When I was looking to upgrade my speakers this was one of the most important criteria in my search.