Records, CDs, Streaming

What percentage of time you spend listening to CDs, records and/or streaming?, 


I do records and CDs only as streaming is not as good sonically.Many many records and CDs are not available for streaming.

I spend most time listening to ripped files or internet radio.

Broaden your scope of options dude.

no streaming, except YouTube via home theater, Pandora in Office

I went deep into Vinyl, 100% for 2 years while upgrading my 3 systems (shown here), even buying new copies of favorite LP’s as well as very good used.


final quest, wonderful sounding CD Player, Sony xa5400ES


now, and for a while while rediscovering my many CD’s it’s

75% CD; 25% LP, even buying new and used CDs it sounds that good.

After a while, I'll get back to CD 25%; LP 75%, I still need to discover the gold in the 4,000 lps I luckily inherited. 

Streaming 95%, Vinyl 5%. My streamer and vinyl are very comparable (see my UserID for systems). Sometimes streaming sounds bettering than vinyl. Sometimes vinyl better than streaming. Both sound incredibly musical and enjoyable. 

I own 2,000 vinyl albums and 2,000 CDs (which are also ripped and available on my two streamers).

I listen in phases.  About a month ago I listened 90% of the time to streaming.  Currently, 90% CDs and SACD’s. Other times, mostly records, depending on my mood.