I agree with the above. Have a friend with an older set of Totem Wind (I believe that is the correct model name) towers which sound just lovely with the right gear. He tried McIntosh at one point and it was just too over the top. Lots of fun for a moment with certain music, but really not a great match overall. He settled on some obscure brand of tube-based equipment and has been happy ever since.
Request opinions on Totem speaker / McIntosh amplifier compatibility.
Greetings, I have a set of Totem Model One Signature speakers that I have loved for over twenty years. I have run them with a NAD C375BEE and an Anthem Integrated 2 each of them about 150 watts per side. I have been seeking a (used) Plinius, Naim or McIntosh, particularly a McIntosh MA5300. Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated, I owned a McIntosh MC2200 years ago and it is the one piece of equipment that I regret selling and the MA5300 at 160 wpc @ 4 ohms is high on my list. Thank you............Joseph
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