Ripping 700 CD's to HD using FLAC-How much space?

Hello all,

Currently, I am in the process of transferring my cd's to an external hard drive using FLAC lossless, EAC for transfer and WinAmp for a media player. I would like a HD with enough space for future downloads but am unsure as to what size to purchase? Memory seems reasonably priced these days and 1TB external HD's are plentiful. Also, I may let go of cd's that I no longer listen to after I have them on the HD which leaves me with another dilemma - how many HD's would suffice for backups? Everyone's advice is appreciated. Thanks, Chris

Currently using:
Windows XP Home
Dell XPS 400
Room for 2 internal HD's (using only (1) currently)

Showing 1 response by goatwuss

RAID is great when it works, but can be difficult to setup properly for non IT administrators. A NAS with built in RAID is a good option, but you do pay extra for this.

Another option for safety is just to pop in another drive that's the same capacity as your music drive, and just setup a daily job in windows to backup the drive. Not as technically fancy as a RAID, but no need to buy or manage hardware or software RAID controllers, which can also fail.