Roon issues-slow and no album covers on Innuous Zenith

Starting yesterday, my Roon is very slow at saving new albums from both Tidal and Qubuz and frequently times out. Also, it’s not saving album covers for new additions although albums added before yesterday do show covers.  By editing a newly added album, I can save the cover but it doesn’t happen automatically as it’s supposed to. I’m using an Innuous Zenith 3 over WiFi. Prior to yesterday, everything was ok.  I updated the firmware on the Zenith before this started happening. Not sure if there’s any connection. I tried clearing the cache and hidden albums is set to on. So far Roon support hasn’t been helpful.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  Does anyone have a fix?
I emailed Innuous tech support about the problems described above.  They wrote back promptly, asked  for more details, and then set up a session where they took control of my computer.  The session lasted almost 90 minutes and I’m not sure of everything they did. I know they increased the art database size (I already tried this but they increased it even more) and changed several other settings.  Album covers are now showing up. Too early to say if the timing out problem when saving albums has resolved.  Very impressed with Innuous customer service and I love the Zenith.  Highly recommend to anyone looking for a server/streamer/disc ripper.  
If it worked well before it's probably the update. Complain to the developers. You likely have company.
My first flat screen (Sharp) puked after a firmware update. 13 months into a twelve month warranty. They said go scratch.
After I bought a new Sony, Sharp extended the warranty to 18 mos.  Talk about getting the finger?  Yet our share in Florida has had the same Sharp for 12 years no problem. I bring my old remote down every year.
Sony TV's have free lifetime tech support and don't need it.
Wifi is a clue.

Get a wifi analyzer for your phone or laptop and make sure you are using an uncongested channel.

If you just added a Roku app you also want to try unplugging it to see if it's causing Wifi issues.  It uses it's own wifi channel for the remote and it attempts to knock other devices off.

