SET vs Push-Pull (Line Magnetic vs Primaluna)

I have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium (non-HP) driving my Acoustic Zen Crescendo II loudspeakers.  It's a push-pull Class AB design.  
I am intrigued by the possibility of trying a Class A SET design.
Has anybody tried a Line Magnetic Class A SET amplifier with these speakers?
If so, what are your impressions?
Where can Line Magnetic amps be demoed or bought in Southern California (San Diego area)?
Thanks for your responses.

You’re not doing bad with your PL upgrading your power tubes. Start with KT-88’s. Psvane or even Gold Lion tubes are fabulous. 
At your typical listening levels of  70-75 db at your listing distance you are not even using 1 watt of power, just fractions of a watt. Your listening levels are very comfortable and satisfying for most anyone not suffering with a hearing deficit. I hope you get the chance to hear the Line Magnetic 805 output tube based amplifiers and compare to your push pull PL amplifier.

If you were looking to get closer to SET sound, move to KT will be move in somewhat opposite direction, imo. I prefer the  EL34 house sound to KT 88 in my PL Dialogue Four. KT presents as more precise sound, less euphonic. PL amps are in modern sound class of PP, KT put it over the edge in my system. With change to KT I'd expect you'll get better bass control and extension, greater treble extension, but you'll lose a bit of the EL34 mid range magic.
I don't know which EL34 you're using, but the best I've heard are 1990-early 2000's Svetlana and/or SED. I presently use  SED Black Sable (early 2000's, cryo'd and closely matched limited production), really not that far off SET sound with these tubes. Present production Svetlana is not the same tube as these, ones I'm talking about are now sold as vintage.
Still, do try the KT, although I'd suggest the KT77, seems many prefer the lower powered KT's as best sounding.

You could give Mike Rose @ Excel Audio on Newport Beach a call, where he carries the Line Magnetic line, and he may have some ideas, but it is a bit of a drive.
I did some more listening this afternoon with the decibel app on my iPhone.
I find that when I am listening at what I would consider a fairly loud listening level, it’s reading average levels around 80-85 dB, with peaks around 90.
this is measured at around 3 meters from the speakers.
Newport Beach is closer (and cooler) than Palm Desert, so I might make a run up there (Excel Audio).