Paul...thanks so much for the kind offer but unfortunately I live in Michigan which is quite a ways from Mass.
A couple of things about speakers and "driveability". There is a three fold requirement for ease of drive: 1) Efficiency, 2) Impendance load, and 3) Phase angle. 2.5s easily meet 2) & 3) which actually makes them quite easy to drive. The first two SETs I ever heard about 7-8 years ago were on 2.5s and that was what swayed me to go that route. My ProAcs do not drop below (at least as explained to me by the importer) 6 ohms and do not rise above 11. They also have a very benign phase angle which is important and you can read just about any of John Atkinson's speaker measurement reviews for an explanation.
These are the same reasons some Spendors are good matches for SETs even though efficiencies are rather low. Art Dudley first used his SETs on Spendors which were less efficient than my ProAcs. I'm pretty sure most if not all electrostats have difficult impedance loads and phase angles - I know my Acoustats from 19 years ago did. I needed 200 real watts just to make them "get up and go".
Thanks again for the offer, Paul.
A couple of things about speakers and "driveability". There is a three fold requirement for ease of drive: 1) Efficiency, 2) Impendance load, and 3) Phase angle. 2.5s easily meet 2) & 3) which actually makes them quite easy to drive. The first two SETs I ever heard about 7-8 years ago were on 2.5s and that was what swayed me to go that route. My ProAcs do not drop below (at least as explained to me by the importer) 6 ohms and do not rise above 11. They also have a very benign phase angle which is important and you can read just about any of John Atkinson's speaker measurement reviews for an explanation.
These are the same reasons some Spendors are good matches for SETs even though efficiencies are rather low. Art Dudley first used his SETs on Spendors which were less efficient than my ProAcs. I'm pretty sure most if not all electrostats have difficult impedance loads and phase angles - I know my Acoustats from 19 years ago did. I needed 200 real watts just to make them "get up and go".
Thanks again for the offer, Paul.