SGC vs Roon Nucleus

Is there a different between the Small Green Computer sonicTransporter i5 and a Roon Nucleus Plus other than $$$‽
+1 on the SGC comments. I was asking myself the same question a few months ago, concluded the Nucleus was less processing power with a nice case and branding premium. 
Having familiarity with the sonicorbiter browser interface, since I have owned Sonore rendu products for a number of years, it made the decision easy. 
FWIW, my Sonicorbiter was up and running in 5-10minutes, has run flawlessly and sounds great. Andrew is a gem. Cheers,
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Andrew at small green computer makes some really nice stuff. I have a few of his pieces and they work very well
A bit concerning that so far 2 members @patrickdowns & @cymbop  had issues, good news sgc seems to be very responsive to the problems.