“Sharp Objects” Tonearm/ Cartridge

Just wondering if anyone recognizes the turntable setup featured in the opening credits of “Sharp Objects” on HBO. The cartridge is mounted to the head shell with a single bracket with two threaded screw holes. Who manufactures this bit of hardware? Are there any major advantages or disadvantages in using this hardwares? Thanks in advance for your thoughts...
I think we all suspected the two roller blade girls, which implicated the half-sister.  But all of that went unexplored. The wrap-up on the high school killers was slapdash, particularly in view of the longueurs of many episodes.     
 Hated the last episode. My guess is that they really needed two episodes to finish out the story properly, but they did not have the budget to support two more episodes. Therefore they compressed what should’ve been another hour of drama into the last 15 minutes of the last episode. It really defused the whole shock value for me. And in fact it left a lot of questions unanswered.
They should have used tubes if the underlying theme is everything old is new again!  Besides it's not state of the art sound unless it has tubes 😁
Obviously that Alan is not a true audiophile because he is not using a top LOMC cartridge but an Ortofon entry level.
It wasn't in the budget, and the producer said "No one will know the difference anyway." Little did he know the millions of us on Audiogon would spot it immediately
Obviously that Alan is not a true audiophile because he is not using a top LOMC cartridge but an Ortofon entry level.

Anyway, SimmAudio is great. as the speakers too.

Indeed...I think his daughter has given it more of a blast than he has. ;) :)

I’m rapidly losing the will to live with this one. It’s one of those shows that you wish you hadn’t started watching but only the hi-fi element is holding interest.... :D
Dear @noromance : Curiosity is that he always is listening through headphones.

The turntable is a VPI Prime and the strap you see is the finger lift that is attached with the cartridge bolts.
The series is a good watch as well and its always nice to see an audiophile getting some air time, by the way has anyone seen any speakers?
Yes, I agree. To me the stepfather’s stereo system is a minor character in the overall story. I have thought/ felt that it is his refuge, his mistress, even. There is an undercurrent in this story that everything old is new again. I suppose that the stereo system’s character is an aspect of that. I had missed the “new toy” line. Thanks for your thoughts/ analysis.
More interesting perhaps, is that inside the plotline her step-father has a high-end rig of VPI TT and some very fancy separates(Classe, Chord, or Sim Audio?) that he calls his "new toy," his absorption with which signifies estrangement from the three women in his life and the general eccentricity of a mad mother with whom he drinks, listens, and dances nights away.