Shindo/Audio Physic speakers

Has one experienced Shindo Montrachet with Audio Physic Scorpio 25s?
Similar experience with Caldera's. Horrible with my marantz av receiver but a magical transformation w pass labs 30.8
I agree with Akg_ca about a blind purchase, particularly with a Shindo amplifier. Years ago I heard a 40 watt per channel Shindo stereo amp (I think it might have been the Montrachet, I get their wines mixed up) in my dealer's room sound absolutely superb with a pair of speakers (I believe it was Wilsons). I tried it at home between my Jadis preamp and the satellite speakers of my system, which were an easy load for most amps I'd used (Jadis JA80s, Lamm ML-1s), and the sound was rolled-off and lifeless, the exact opposite of what I heard in the showroom. Mind you, I love the Shindo sound, now own a Monbrisson preamp, so I would have expected great sound, but the combination just didn't work. Unless you can get to hear the combination together, I would be wary.
Those are 4 ohm speakers, no? Shindo is made for 8-16 ohm. Probably a horrible match.
I own Shindo electronics. I've listened to the Montrachet extensively. I've heard most of the Audio Physics line up. I've never heard them together but I can't imagine them being good together.