Shunyata Venom IC's review

I have been an denier of the benefit of pricey cabling, but got a pair of Grove Huffman's IC's a while back and they were a clear improvement over my Signal Cable IC's.  Later, a pair of Morrow MA2 IC's was a sonic improvement in my bedroom system.  I read a recent review of the new Shunyata Venom cables, which was laudatory, but not over the top.  For some reason I can't recall, I was prompted to order a pair of them from The Cable Company and got them a couple of days ago.  I swapped the GH cables for them and right out of the box, the Venom ICs sounded great.  They have wonderful extension and great inner detail without a hint of stridency.  I interchanged the GH and Venom IC's several times and the Venom's seemed to my ears to sound "just right", clearly preferable to the very good GH IC's.  I never would have expected myself to drop a $300 on a pair of IC's, thinking it out would be a waste of money, but I am at the moment quite enthralled with the sound of these Venom IC's.  I see dozens for IC's for sale on AG at what I consider to be budget-busting prices, but I will say the outlay of $300 for these Venom cables appears to be a worthwhile investment.  Just my two-sense worth.  Mark

@whitestix If you are looking to buy Silnote, I have a pair of Morpheus Reference II Series II for sale. They sound much better than some of the higher priced cables.PM me if you are interested. I don't have experience with Shunyata IC's but owned a couple of their power cords before. The Venom PC is a good step up from the stock power cords. I used to think power cord upgrade is snake oil until I tried the Shunyata.
I am not sure how to send a PM on this forum, so please send me your asking price for the IC's and I will consider them.  Thank you!