Sound Labs Wins!

Both the ultimate component and best system award with Bricasti Design at the California Audio Show. The model used was the Majestic 645.
Go Roger!

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Living on the East Coast I did not get to go so I have no first hand knowledge of anything at the show. I guess I make a first class whistle blower:)
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I thought Bricasti’s room (with Tidal speakers) at AXPONA was one of the very best. They played real music, not audiophile demos; the room was set up with care and acoustic treatment; and the volume level was realistic, not earsplitting. Tonal balance and timbre reproduction were excellent. A respite from the many rooms with loud, booming, systems.

P.S. Now that I can afford Sound Labs, I no longer have room for them. Oh, well....
Why wouldn’t we believe you? 😳

Follow-up question: what kind of audiophile fuses were they using? 🙄
I was pretty disappointed in that room, and the show in general. Lucky for me I live in the area and didn't have to invest much to attend.
@mijostyn can you tell us the entire system? Which Bricasti amp? Did they play vinyl? What DAC?