Speaker cables recomendation for Luxman L509X / Dynaudio Contour 30i

I hope somebody can recommend speaker cables between Luxman L509X and Dynaudio Contour 30i. For now I am using Signal cable Ultra until I buy better cables. Looking for new cables in range of $1000 that may add some "weight" and details.



@densen17 - I woud steer slear of high capacitance cables, e.g. like TOTL Cardas cables, because they tend to have a very high capacitance.

An aquaintance used them on a Gryphon amp and blew some components due to internal oscilation issues

Depending on the size of your wallet I would suggest these brands

  • Audio Envy - very affordable and very good performance
  • Zavfino - their upper end of their product line are extremely good (within your budget)
  • InAkustik - getting up there, but very good cables (a little above your budget)
  • Hijiri - dig deep into that wallet and you will be rewarded with amazing sound (Something to aspire too)

Hope that helps - Steve

I'm using a 507ux with 2-way stand mounts and the quad Mogami cables I'm using have been superb performers in the bass.



Cardas cables are the warmest in the least expensive category and become less so in each level up. That is by design. Yes Cardas Clear would be a good choice paired with a Luxman. Which is best will be a call depending on your tastes. I would not consider any of Cardas to be warm and cuddly. They are all seriously good… but with a construction favoring different kinds of equipment. As far as I know this is the only company taking such a pragmatic approach. 


Duelund 12g.  At $40/m, they are a steal.  I run mine between Luxman 509x and ATC SCM 20 passive monitors.  They are wonderfully open, neutral and dynamic.  Or you can do the Duelund 10g.  Single strand, so be sure to double your length order.



I was going to chime in with Auditorium23 and see that jond beat me to it. They are amazing. I have five amps and three sets of loudspeakers and they excel with every combination. They come standard with bananas and are very difficult to get with spades so just make sure your amp (usually not a problem) and loudspeakers (more often a problem) accept bananas. What I love about Auditorium23 (vs. my Cardas Clear Beyond) is the relaxed naturalness and soundstage. 

Auditorium23 is usually a good rec around $1000 on the warm/neutral end of the spectrum.

@soix +1

I recently took his advice and upgraded to some AZ Satori’s. After trying many speaker cables, I found what I was looking for with the AZ’s.

@ghdprentice what about the next step up from Cardas Clear Reflection which is the Cardas Clear? Does it sound warmer or brighter than the Reflection? I presume the clarity and detail of the Clear are better than the Reflection?

I have a Luxman L-590AXII and was wondering if the Cardas will match well. I dislike a warm cuddly sound and prefer a cable that does not hold anything back. The speaker cable that I currently have in the system is rather good (Chord Signature XL) but as usual I am just curious about the Cardas.

Here ya go.  Just do it, and if they don’t work out you can sell them at little/no loss, but you won’t.  And they’re half your budget, so there’s that. Read the reviews. 


@densen17  Invest a bit of time and build your own?  I have built this exact speaker cable (you can see it on my virtual system).  They sound as good as any cable I've heard, at a fraction of the cost.  Well within your stated budget.



I am familiar with the sound of both DynAudio and Luxman.

Given your components and desire (Luxman being very sparkly and lean) Cardas Clear Reflection. They are likely to do exactly what you need. If you want more detail but still some added heft Cardas Clear Beyond. Great speakers.


In general the lowest levels in Cardas are the warmest and become more neutral as you go up in price.