Speaker recommendation for Rega Mira

My father has caught the audiophile bug and I'm trying to help him with speakers. He has a Rotel 970 CD player (modified), a Rega Mira integrated, Kimber Hero and 8tc cables. His room is an odd size with a good deal of open air. He listens to Blues, Jazz, and Vocals mostly and enjoys a large soundstage. He'll take detail over bass extension anytime. He is definitely staying under $5k and would prefer to spend a good deal less (under2k). Any recommendations for a good match with the Rega would be appreciated.
i have a Rega Mira 1 with Dynaudio Audience 60 speakers and so far so good. Incredible soundstage,dynamics and detail!
i recommend this setup to anyone!
Creek CD43
Van den Hul The First interconects
Qed 25th Aniv. Speaker cable

I had a Rega Mira paired with N.E.A.R. 50Me II loudspeakers. Very nice combination. Soundstage is a REAL strength of the N.E.A.R.s. I modified mine with Marigo dots and driver bands which I highly recommend. They allowed more detail to come through and provided a weightier more palpable sound.
At $2k, favoring soundstage and detail over extension, and with good quality power, but not a lot of it, my vote is for monitors and really good stands (4 pillars, filled): ProAc Response 1sc; Joseph Audio RM7si; Aerial Model 5; maybe the Revel 20, but I've never heard it. Any of these choices will also stand up really well to future upgrades in source and power.
Don't overlook the Rega Jura speakers. They match well with Mira and are quite revealing with good soundstaging. At the price (often $700 or less new), they are a great value. I think they'd suit your father's muscial taste well.
Talon Audio Khites, very detailed and musical. They are also relatively easy to set-up, as they have no rear ports.
I'm using my Mira with Paradigm Studio 20 V2 and it sounds great, so I'd recommend anything in the Paradigm ref series.
Meadowlark Shearwater or Kestrels. I've heard the Mira with both, and it did a great job. Give them a listen.