There are a vast range of very very affordable options that can be selected from, as a means to experience an alternative method for supporting a Floor Standing or Stand Mounted Speaker.
Spending a little money to have a new experience will certainly show a change to the sonic being perceived.
For some this one change might be the cut off point for a improved - 'tidied up' presentation. For others the addition may have been less that what was before.
Either way if no alternative methods for mounting are undertaken, not much will be learned apart from what descriptions are being read about alternative methods of interest being used by others in their environments that are most likely very very different from ones own.
The thickness of a Carpet used a Floor Covering can have a substantial impact on the sonic being perceived from a Speaker.
A friend who I assisted with investigating Speaker Footers, with the end result being they now used Townshend Weight Match Plinths under their Speakers, was so impressed with improvements their interest moved to experiencing other Speakers.
At a later date of visiting the friend to hear newly acquired Speakers purchased as a used item sale, I was to point out that the New Speakers were not as projected in the Upper Mid's and Highs as the previous in use speakers had projected.
Initially it was made known to me the Original Owner/Importer of the Speakers had a experience not like too many and was inclined to Speaker Roll. Over the course of approx' 3 Years the Vendor had owned a selection of Speakers that had amounted to close to £100K.
The Vendor had somehow chosen the route of a very cheap Glassy Hard CD Player to push on the Speakers Upper Frequencies.
My friends whole instinct and knowledge of the Speaker Designer knew much more was able to be achieved, they took on the idea of having a punt and made a offer which was close to the Drivers Value only, and the offer was accepted.
The follow up explanation given, was quite interesting and reinforced by the description also given from the designer / builder of the Speaker to my friend.
Simply put, the earlier used Speaker is a design intended to be used in Countries such as the UK where Carpets and Soft Furnishings with Heavy Fabrics are the norm. A Speaker designed for this type of environment will have a Xover design that allows for the Upper Mid's and Highs to be present and not absorbed.
In comparison the New Speakers were a Bespoke Built design Import from Scandinavia. The new owner was aware of the upper frequency roll off and had already made an inquiry to the designer. The description given, being that the Speaker is designed primarily for usage in Scandinavian homes, and if the Xover had a design to suit the UK, the Speakers sonic will be bordering on Glassy Hard in a Scandinavian Home. The designer has a Xover design in place for when such inquires are made. The initial guidance being allow the drivers further time to settle in.
My friend who is a EE and Engineer by career has no concerns about tweaking the Xover. Also they are very aware of the influence of PC Triple C Wire. I encouraged them to use this wire type on the Mid Range and Tweeter, we both agreed that a further presence of these frequencies may be perceived as being achieved iif this method is adopted.
Additional Footers in use may have also been able to lift the projection of the frequencies?
Changing a wire is very cheap to do, adding a footer in conjunction with the Townshend is only adding a little more expense, removing the Townshend? Experimentation is the only way to truly find out?
All ideas are doable before any electronics are exchanged.
For the record, prior to any suggested changes having been made to the Scandinavian Import Speakers being demo'd. I made it known to my friend that these were the best speaker I have been in front of in his room, and possibly the best Cabinet Speaker I had heard using recollections as the judge.
Not bad as an assessment when something else for the sonic is still on offer and earlier Speaker in use Speakers will have been a much more substantial in value retail purchase and the Scandinavian Speakers were acquired for much less than £5K .