SQ vs. Music

What percentage of the time do you you listen to your set JUST for the SQ and what percentage do you listen to your set JUST for the music? 
I know the obvious answer is you do both, but can you honestly answer the question?
Way too many audiophiles are hung up on "sound quality" to the detriment of enjoying an emotional connection to The Music! Now where did I put that Ozawa/BSO Mahler 1 LP?
Always was music, sound quality came second but today both serve the same. Music and sound quality for the ones I like and for the unknown. It is nice to hear how many are involved in a track but to see how they do it together is better. You cannot completely separate them as I can sing the ones I like even in the car but without Sq I would not have broaden my music tastes.

Way too many audiophiles are hung up on "sound quality" to the detriment of enjoying an emotional connection to The Music!
It is only so with an exact correlation with their incapacity to create an optimal audio system, except by throwing money...

When an audio system is installed rightfully in his 3 working embeddings dimensions, only music exist, no more sound...A natural timbre playing piano is only that: a natural timbre playing piano; then only music with no more sound problems...

It is impossible to stop any cd or files playing in a very good audio system....The pleasure is too great and the boredom and frustration are at zero level...

My recent tweaks have caused me to take notice of the music due to the change in sound quality.
My office system is mostly for work, but after upgrading my DAC/Streamer/Ethernet/Interconnects, I found myself listening while working and suddenly noticing subtle/positive changes that had me more engaged with the music that before.-And, doing less work...