SQ vs. Music

What percentage of the time do you you listen to your set JUST for the SQ and what percentage do you listen to your set JUST for the music? 
I know the obvious answer is you do both, but can you honestly answer the question?
I pick the artist I want to listen to first, almost always. I then pick which album by that artist I want to listen to. Sound quality seldom enters into the decision process. The choice of music wins maybe 95% of the time.
Very good post.... Thanks...

It is the same for me.... And the reason why is simple in a rightfully controlled audio system ALL sound better even the worst files i have....

My goal was listening music i love first and last.... Some music i enjoy because of the sound quality.... But most of the music i listen to i know it for the last 50 years....I only appreciate it better now...One of my favorite is Scriabin and almost all i have is bad russians recordings....But the sound is way better now even staying the bad recordings they are i enjoy them more....

You have a good system if the sound is no more there,like an obstacle or an impediment, only the music.... This is my experience....

Music is not sound at all, but the relation between sounds,and this relation is not reducible to sound, was written by the great maestro Ernest Ansermet....I read his 1200 pages book.... 😊😎
I listen to SQ when I change something in my system or compare different sources also when new album second or third time playing (determination of record quality) other time just enjoying music. So, I guess 5 to 95% in comparison.
My son once accused me of listening to the equipment rather than the music. I asked him how that is possible since the equipment is the source of the music? I then asked if he were taking a 500 - 1000 mile road trip, which would he rather have? A economical compact car or an expensive luxury car? I've done it in both. The luxury car was MUCH better. Same with the music. 
In retrospect I think I spent far too much time (and money!) worrying about achieving SQ  as described by the audio guru's. Not so much now - music selection is my only priority (unless something in my system is failing). My system/set up is very good but has no pretension to SOTA and that works well for me now. In fact I'm more relaxed and enjoy it (and the music) much more. :-)

To me they are virtually inseparable. The music will be the first thing that catches my attention but poor SQ can draw my attention to the wrong place and change the feel of the song or become a distraction to the song. To me SQ is like looking at a panoramic view through a screen or a smudged window, you can see what is on the other side but it lacks clarity and detail and is just not as satisfying as looking through clean clear glass.

I have found it interesting when I have heard some songs that I disliked in the past and after hearing them again with much improved SQ, I have found myself appreciating much more what the artists was doing and in some cases even liking the song.