Stillpoints under T-W Acustic Raven AC


I'm on the way for a stand under my T-W Raven AC (one motor) and thinking about a Stillpoint Stand complete with all feet and risers needed. Did someone have experience with that ?
Thank you
If you already have enough space for the turntable on your component rack, I would rather first try 3 (better than 4 for leveling) Stillpoints Ultra 5s (with cups) under the turntable, with the option of exchanging them for a full Stillpoints rack if they don't work well enough for you (no dealer would say no to that). I doubt you'll need more than the Ultra 5s even on a simple, solid wooden rack, they are better than the Stillpoint racks IMHO.
If it is in your price point, the Symposium Acoustic Quantum Signature Platform is extraordinary. You nay not need a new rack if you are trying to extract the most from your table. This platform sitting on top of your current platform is a miraculous mechanical isolation device and will double resolution from your vinyl.
I use a SRA Ohio platform under my AC-1 and have had zero issues with vibration even with the subway running directly under my NYC apartment building. The US distributor for TW uses SRA as well.