

I’d like to purchase a streamer without a DAC. My DAC is optimized for USB so that would be my preferred connection. Qubuz will be my main source though I use Amazon also (this isn’t essential). For the last 10 years or so I used a Mac Mini with  Amarra. The Mac is no longer upgradable. I’ve been streaming directly to my Classe Delta preamp via airplay, but I’d like to use a dedicated streamer now. The computer and preamp are hardwired via Ethernet cable. 

I assume most streamers offer similar sound but I’d like a best-in-class easy to use interface. Let’s say budget is up to $5000. Can folks give recommendations please?

p.s. I’ve seen some older threads with similar requests, but was hoping to hear current offerings.


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I have the N200.  Great  machine, support was great the few times I needed it.  Sounds excellent 

Aurender just announced the A1000 a streamer /dac.  $3500.    Innuos is good too.  You should really try to demo in person if possible to get a feel for the user interface and hear them

@bogartg1 - I can vouch for the Innuos ZENith MKiii. Works and sounds great. I thought I’d use the cd ripper more but find I rarely use it. Once I started streaming Qubuz, that urge sort of went away. 

While I don’t have any direct experience myself, I’ve read many express innuos’ sense software sounds better than Roon… Again, I don’t have any experience with Roon. 

I wouldn’t focus on ripper but instead concentrate on getting the best possible streamer. I have Aurender N200 and have a large collection of CD rips on the SSD mounted inside the Aurender that I rarely dip into unless I’m planning to listen to something that’s not available on Qobuz or Tidal. It’s as good as playing CDs.