Streaming Preamp without a built-in DAC

I have been searching for, what I believe would be the ideal preamp...but does it exist? Here is the scenario: I currently have an Auralic Altair. It is the perfect product function-wise; it is a preamp, streams, has a nice tablet-based control interface, has the ability to use on-board storage with an SSD, plays DSD, PCM, MQA, Roon ready.  It also has an on-board DAC. And while an all-in-one is very convenient, the Altair's Achilles' heel is the DAC. I'd love the ability to have all these features, but without a DAC so that I can experiment with different DACs.  So my dream Streaming preamp would: stream the various subscription services, have digital output(s), digital inputs(s), analog inputs, analog outputs, and an analog/hardware volume control (bonus points for the ability to have storage for flac/DSD files). So to use an external DAC; the preamp's digital output feeds the input of the DAC, the analog output fro the DAC goes back to the analog input of the preamp, with control functions, including (hardware) volume from a tablet.  I cannot find one! 

I "can" sort of do this with my Altair, but an forced to use digital volume control, which negates DSD and limits the fidelity at lower volume levels.
That’s not going to work. What you need to do is connect the outputs of your digital source components to the digital inputs of your DAC, and then the DAC’s analog outs to analog inputs on your preamp.

I am looking for a preamp that contains those digital sources. Connect the DAC almost like a tape loop, however digital out/analog in.
You might be looking for a unicorn.  The whole idea of these all in one boxes is to give a person everything they need in one box.  

Get a regular preamp or an integrated amp that has source inputs and you can experiment with different DACs to your heart and your wallet's content.
I am looking for a preamp that contains those digital sources. Connect the DAC almost like a tape loop, however digital out/analog in.

Sorry, no.  It's not a logical assembly.  The sequence MUST be:

Streamer --> DAC --> Preamp --> Amp

So, no one I know of has all that with a DAC loop. That makes little sense. What does make sense, and you can find are divisions at each point, above.

Here are some examples of combinations you can find, the brackets [] denoting a piece of hardware:

[Streamer --> DAC] 

[Streamer] --> [DAC]

[Streamer] --> [ DAC --> preamp]

[Streamer] --> [ DAC --> Integrated]

Everything I've seen will either have a DAC or if not can't do everything else you want. You could connect the newer Auralic Aries > DAC with volume control >amplifier